Introducing myself

Fredrik Park

Jan 12, 2008
Hello from Sweden
I´m a music teacher, with a background of classical piano.

I was quite good for a while, but regretly I haven´t had much time to practise in recent years.
Sometimes I sit down and try to write some instrumental stuff, and improve my music recording skills.
Right now I only have one soft track on my myspace site right now, but I´ll put heavier recordings there later on...

SX has been my very favourite band since I first listened to their albums from late 90´s, but this is my first post at the forums.

Anyway, SX has got everything that I´ve ever want from a rock band - not only stunning instrumental musicians but also equally stunning lead singer.
My very favourite singer. There are very few singers with that voice, skill and reach, and emotional intepretation of the lyrics.
Combining their skills with the best written and emotional songs AND some of the most interesting lyrics and themes that I´ve ever heard makes for what I can only call timeless masterpieces. I bet almost all of you would agree.

It´s great to see SX getting more sophisticated production value (like the sound quality of Paradise Lost, the music videos etc.), but my favourite albums would still be V, Divine wings and Odyssey along with the live album.

I´ve got a question regarding the Paradise Lost, but I´ll make a new topic about it instead. Bye for now.
Hey Mark!

Thanks alot for the reply and for the add! :)
I´ll put a new post on the check my website out or whatever it´s called, and that Paradise Lost question on a new topic now.
Check them out if you´ve got the time.
Welcome to the forum, Fredrik!

Be prepared for lots of debate. If you can't back your words with a valid example, you lose. That's the rule here.

Nah, just kidding. Even if you could bring forward some valid evidence, you'd still lose the conversation because someone has decided it already.

Seriously, disregard my post and have a great time here. I've had. :D
Welcome to the forum, Fredrik!

Be prepared for lots of debate. If you can't back your words with a valid example, you lose. That's the rule here.

Nah, just kidding. Even if you could bring forward some valid evidence, you'd still lose the conversation because someone has decided it already.

Actually, you can be 3 IQ points away from needing a helmet and still fit in just fine. Need I elaborate more?:lol: Welcome Fredrik.:D
Hey guys! Thanks for the warm welcome! :)

Haha, the helmet... Best joke I´ve heard in months! :lol:

Be prepared for lots of debate. If you can't back your words with a valid example, you lose. That's the rule here.

Nah, just kidding. Even if you could bring forward some valid evidence, you'd still lose the conversation because someone has decided it already.

Being the doubter and agnostic that I described in my movie thread, I´d say that there is no such thing as a valid evidence, in terms of being totally undisputable. :p
I like the saying "God knows, humans think they know". (maybe that was my own variation of the original saying, I don´t remember.)
And what if there is no such thing as any God, then what´s left for us poor mortals to rely on... o_O. heart faith and steel, perhaps...
Welcome Fredrik.

I feel the same way about Symphony X as you do. They satisfy everything I want to hear in music for the most part. Excellent band.

Enjoy the fun here.