

New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2003
INVEY not a name you hear a lot but once you have heard them you will remember the sound of the singers unique vocals. Yes it is a female vocalist and yes she can do that. Maybe having a female vocalist is a drawback in this business but this is their major attraction. Take those blinkers off and give them a go.Listen to something new.
I don't think your own members believe in something more. Yeah, this band can turn around but you're making shit music, not a shit band. Gotta step it up if you're going to do this alone (Or at least consider expanding the band with new influences).

Now, Drummer and Singer are the weak points of this album. Sure, it's just as easy for them to do what they do and be fine, it's not making music that people want to remember. You've got to decide if singing and screaming are the right thing for the band, or if they are then you've got to make the music that people are going to jump to. Not what anyone else wants, it's what YOU want. I'm talking about fucking "Bring it on" girl! You need more of THAT, and you can do THAT with the softer lyrics. You just proved it.

DRUMMER!!! Your chops need building. You've got the rhythm and I can hear your own influences in the music but there is a distinct lack of what is yours and what is re-hashed bullshit kicks. You CAN do it, and you'll prove it to yourself (I'm just the bonus :p) one day if you try.

Guitar and Bass are doing just fine on their own. I'm hearing alot of good stuff in that department for the music at hand.

Remember guys, you can literally feed good emotions into your band mates, and still be focused on your own instrument. If you feel one of them beginning to fail, just think happy thoughts in their direction :)

Good luck! I'm rooting for ya! Also, sig'd.
Music is a personal taste.:headbang:

If Invey were a food they would be Tandoori Tika Masala Vindaloo.

Not last nights congealed kebab.

A vocalist helps to define a band. Think of almost any great band and there is a good distinctive singer. Claire is one of them not always note perfect and not just a screamer. Yes they could do with the odd track that has a stronger melody but they make music they believe in and not for the under 14's like a lot of popular rock.
Either way you have had a listen and its appreciated.