iPods - Genres and Playlists?

i have an easy (back roads) 30 minute drive to and fro work. i grab 2 cds each morning . it's easy. and usually i pick stuff i rarely listen to at home. thats how i roll
tried my best to install an Aux input in the primeMINIster ... but the fucker would not work no matter what ... back went the mp3 player to the store ...
hello old school
i have an easy (back roads) 30 minute drive to and fro work. i grab 2 cds each morning . it's easy. and usually i pick stuff i rarely listen to at home. thats how i roll

I wish I had an easy commute...I should just take a drive one day on some back roads and listen to music. But I would never forgive myself for blowing all of that gas.
the worst are these kids that have those fancy mp3 camera phones or whatever.

i recently traded in my old phone (non flip phone) and the dude at verizon laughed when i gave it to him. so i got the lowest possible upgrade and it still has a damn camera on it, and its a flip phone.

things have gone overboard
I wish I had an easy commute...I should just take a drive one day on some back roads and listen to music. But I would never forgive myself for blowing all of that gas.

the way i see it, im doing the world a favor trying to get rid of all gas in the world so we can move to more economical means of fuel. plus we'll make nate the farmer rich
I want to shoot people on the bus with both babies and flip-phones with cameras (and actively using them to take pictures of their baby).

They must die horrible deaths.
1 hr 15min each way to work, and I go on the train

I have to say, the train is probably my favoUrite form of travel. I can stretch out, relax, read the paper, have a nap, stare out the window, no traffic, no driving

Seriously, why wouldn't I want a maxed out 30Gb iPod to accompany me each day? I actually look forward to my commute when I've got a new album to check out!
its not necessarily technology, but when people become enslaved to that technology.

i work with a bunch of dipshit 18-22 year olds and the second they are on break/lunch/not doing work, they open that damn phone.