Ipods, who has em?


80s freak
Apr 30, 2006
Who here has an Ipod, and how much did it cost you? I want one in the worst way. I heard the Nano which holds about 1000 songs cost about $200-$250. I'm saving up for one. Can't wait!
Yet, you would have to carry around a huge ass CD holder depending on how many CDs you have.
iRivers > All.

Well, not all. It was like under $100 to hold a gig, which is like (roughly) over 10 hours worth of songs (Which would help me during my work shifts of 3-7 hour shifts) I want a larger one but can survive with it.
I've got a 30 GB video iPod. 2100 songs and 157 photos so far in it. I paid 200 euros and I still have to pay 165.
As mentioned above you have to buy a case because you'll get it scratched before you know it. Believe me I know:)
It is a fine tool.
But there are two or three major (IMO) disadvantages.
1) The fucking battery can be exhausted really soon. If you switch songs(!) often, the battery will be exhausted, if you watch a slideshow the battery will be exhausted, if you watch video the battery will be exhausted, etc... Here's one case, I charged it yesterday at night and today 7 pm the battery is almost empty.
2) The assholes from Apple don't tell you that you need QuickTime Pro to sync videos in it. Now, how stupid is this? Can you possibly believe it? I have to buy Pro too! Or was I supposed to know that?
3) You can only charge it via the computer. Or else, you have to buy a charger :D.
I have a 5 G Creative Zen Micro (very small MP3 type device)

It's very sleek, got a touch screen and all sorts of fancy stuff, AM/FM radio, broadcasting thing (makes me able to put it near a stereo and listen to whatever is on the device)
I have a Ipod SHuffle and i hate it because you can skip all the songs and go to the one you want. you have to search though all of them. and also i dont like it because it dosent have a screen. but my mum one it in a comp, so its not bad for free.
Got a Shuffle for my birthday last year.

1GB and it cost $150. This morning I wiped it clean and reloaded it. It now has 204 songs/16 hours on it.

I only use it when I exercise after work, so I just load it up and let it play on random. Change out the songs about every two weeks. No pieces to break, which is good since I've gone through a couple mp3 players from being dropped.
I second the iRivers - I have a T30 model

The batteries are the biggest drawbacks to ipods imo, it's just not worth it - get a set of rechargable batteries and your set with a normal mp3 player.

I'm also changing my playlist every day anyway, so I don't mind at all
1) I second what Tubbs said. My CD walkman has lasted me 5 years and it's still in near perfect condition, and my CD wallet can fit 30 CDs that I switch on a regular basis... Plus I drew a scythe on it and wrote my name in a wicked goth font :headbang:

2) WTF is an iRiver?