IRL COBForum meeting ?


Oct 19, 2015
Under the gray sky
Hey guys, I was just thinking recently that it's been a while now since I joined the forum and that it be fun to get to meet some of you IRL. Has it ever happened? Have you ever organised some type of reunion for the members of the forum? Would some of you be interested in something like that?
Probably ridiculously hard to do, due to the locations of each member. UK, USA...Finland etc if you did it would only be 2/3 max...
Still better than none. And if planned a long time in advance, we could for exemple meet for a concert or something, which would give a reason to move around.
As Warheart said it would probably be very hard to do but, if I'm able to, I would love to join!!!

Fuck, I'm a bit drunk and sentimental and nostalgic atm and I haven't been here for quite some time, but everytime I'm here, listening to bodom and reading these old threads it feels a bit like coming home you know.
Time just flies, and it feels like I just discovered CoB but it's already been over 10 years ago. Even back then this forum started to quiet down.
Shit, I'm getting old, talking about the '' good old days'' and all.

Anyway, just me rambling on, hope you all had a happy new year!
It would be nice to meet people irl, I joined this forum properly I guess in 2015, but I have been reading this since 2008. I just was kind of afraid of posting because of my english etc... But I'm sorta familiar with all the people that have been posting for a long time. I just don't really have the money to go anywhere outside finland right now so as said before it's a littke difficult to arrange with people coming from differebt locations.... Anyone going to the Savonlinna show?
Would have fucking loved to. Seems like it's going to be epic as hell.
And it seems only logical that we'd meet in Finland. We can fly there cheap and meet for a CoB show. Wouldn't that be awesome ?! :D
Would have fucking loved to. Seems like it's going to be epic as hell.
And it seems only logical that we'd meet in Finland. We can fly there cheap and meet for a CoB show. Wouldn't that be awesome ?! :D
Camping at lake Bodom though :D
The most disturbing idea I've ever heard!!
Yeah it is :D:D but I'm sorta curious what the fuck would happen...
Well I mean listening to Joonas irl :D:D:D (not like i'm any better on the phone with my friends discussing COB stuff at 2 am)
The worst thing would be having to speak Eng- cross that, having to speak to guys I've never met (You know, being Finnish, shy and all that :D)! Doing it in English would of course make it even worse. I've been reading and writing English for most of my life so writing's never been a problem but I haven't been speaking it actively for over 5 years now and I can feel that gap every time I have to open my mouth and speak it. Also, half of you can speak Finnish and it feels ridiculously awkward speaking English to people who can speak Finnish. It might be easier though as I've never really spoken Finnish to any of you and I'm not used to it. Certainly went that way in school. We'd been speaking English with our teacher for as long as we'd known him and then when we went to a school trip a few weeks before the end of the last year of school he began speaking Finnish to us and we were all like, "Umm... what?". Was kinda funny when he asked you something in Finnish and you reflexively answered in English :D

Anyway, while I kinda agree with Joonas that it is a "disturbing" idea (Seriously I lolled pretty hard at that comment :D), I'm kinda interested.
Last month I went to see HIM with a finnish friend but then we ran into a czech friend in Helsinki and at first it was a little awkward with the english but well, after a couple drinks, perfect english!! (we also accidentally found Daniel outside the venue lmao)

And yeah also when you've been speaking finnish and suddenly someone speaks english to you and you go "Mitä sä sanoit?" and the other person's like "What???"
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Most individuals I meet in real life that happen to turn out to be Bodom fans, I never tell them I'm that Bodom Joonas guy from the forum, just listen to them rap about it and act like I barely know the names of the albums. :rofl:
Most individuals I meet in real life that happen to turn out to be Bodom fans, I never tell them I'm that Bodom Joonas guy from the forum, just listen to them rap about it and act like I barely know the names of the albums. :rofl:
"That Bodom Joonas guy" :D It's true though. Anyone who's ever visited this forum would remember your name. Hell, people who've never even seen the forum know your name! (I happened to mention it to my friends once how half the posts on the forum seem to be written by you (Which is not a bad thing, it keeps the place alive), and it's been known as "Joonaksen foorumi" (Joonas' forum) ever since :D).
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Hell, people who've never even seen the forum know your name!

Now that's creepy :D not sure if it's a merit or not... 'keeping it alive' or 'driving everyone away.' I guess it depends whether you knew me in the past or later. There was a lot of hate spewing going on as members were immature, drunk, and had different musical understanding and intolerance of opinions so sensitive people were throwing death threats back and forth. Wouldn't really care to get associated with that anymore. But it was wild times. It'd be fun to get a spiced up conversation going on about the next album when it comes out.

Last month I went to see HIM with a finnish friend

I listened to the HIM concert in my home town outside leaning to the wall right behind the stage. Ville didn't stop the interact much with any of the few other guys there, just dove straight into the private car that parked in front of the side door he used to exit the venue. A couple security guys arrived in time to make sure there's no overly wild fans, the other happened to be a friend. Well, not sure what I think about HIM quitting... I guess if you lose passion it's best to stop, but financially I don't understand the sense.
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Now that's creepy :D not sure if it's a merit or not... 'keeping it alive' or 'driving everyone away.' I guess it depends whether you knew me in the past or later. There was a lot of hate spewing going on as members were immature, drunk, and had different musical understanding and intolerance of opinions so sensitive people were throwing death threats back and forth. Wouldn't really care to get associated with that anymore. But it was wild times. It'd be fun to get a spiced up conversation going on about the next album when it comes out.

Would 3.1.2011 and after count as past or present? Anyway, I've always liked having you on the forum. I still credit you with the best joke in the forum's history (Start from Joonas' comment "What do you guys think about the new COB album?" around halfway down the page: That thread actually has loads of really funny stuff. Another funny story involving you was one of my first posts on the forum when I made a long analysis of the upcoming songs on RRF based on reviews. You first thanked me for "taking off the speculators cloak" and then proceeded to say that they were the most bizarre guesses anyone could make based on reviews as they didn't even correspond with what the reviews said (Which was true as I'd remembered the reviews all wrong). You finished your comment with "We need more 14 year olds to keep up the discussion". The funny thing here was that it was my birthday when you said that so I had just turned 15, something I of course immediately told everyone :D (Should anyone want to search for it it's also in the RRF thread. Can't remember the page number but the date was 7.1.2011).
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Now that's creepy :D not sure if it's a merit or not... 'keeping it alive' or 'driving everyone away.' I guess it depends whether you knew me in the past or later. There was a lot of hate spewing going on as members were immature, drunk, and had different musical understanding and intolerance of opinions so sensitive people were throwing death threats back and forth. Wouldn't really care to get associated with that anymore. But it was wild times. It'd be fun to get a spiced up conversation going on about the next album when it comes out.
I mean sometimes your posts make me go hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but that shit is kinda what this forum is for and at this point you've become sort of legendary here :D When the 20 years show at the Circus was coming up we were actually talking in the queue like "I bet Joonas is here bc Old Atmosphere".
So some of my COB fan friends know about you but we're all so young my friends don't really do this kind of forums anymore, but the few who've been here sometimes refer to you.
"meno vitun joonas :----D"

feels really weird to discuss this in english with finnish ppl

And well about HIM, it sucked that they broke up but they've been around forever. I'm just happy they didn't go all My Chemical Romance about breaking up lol. They've been a big part of my life but they've kind of done everything already and their newer music wasn't as important to me so at the last show of theirs I went to I was feeling kinda like I'd just finished a really good book.
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