The gig was really great. This was my first time to see them live so i have nothing to compare with, but i loved every second of it. The sound was good but Fredriks guitar was a bit low on some songs so his leads was hard to hear at times. Since this was my first time i was really disappointed that they didnt play murder, but hopefully il get to hear that one, or some other old one, next time.
I have to add that Deathstars really impressed me, their music sounded really good live and their frontman owned the stage, surprise of the event for me. And Bolt Thrower... WOW!

Couldnt hear the melodies but what a fucking killingmachine they are. Everyone was headbanging (at least were i was standing) and Karl was really enjoying it, he was smiling all the time.
Overall i think the festival was mediocre. The bands and performances was awesome but I thought there would be more exhibitions and stuff going on, and it was really disappointing that the recordmarket was cancelled.
Also thought there would be a bigger crowd.
Maybe i expected too much.