Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier

Sounds very Skunkworks to me...hell even the concepts surrounding it seem similar to me, I seem to be the only fan of the artwork though, I think it looks very fucking cool.

And as usual, cannot fucking wait for the album to get here
The vocal phrasing does seem reminicent of Skunkworks, but certainly not the song-writing or musicianship.
I now think I don't like it.
As much as I love AMOLAD (probably my fav Maiden album now), I would like them to move on from that style. I think they did well hinting at it with DoD, and then nailed it with AMOLAD, so there isn't much point hanging around. Throw some older influences back in and keep a bit of the prog, which it seems they may be doing. I'm excited.

Give it a few more listens, I think it really needs at least a few.
It sounds to me like a Bruce solo-era Adrian Smith riff. the vocals are just not full-bodied enough for me to enjoy them without noticing it. The actual song I find really entertaining, and not *too* recycled, however it's hardly breaking new ground for them (and I honestly don't think they care whether they do, anymore).
Yeah, it's got a Smith rock vibe to it. I won't be surprised to see that it's a Smith/Dickinson.

Nah, the lyrics are very Harris. Too many of the lyrics are in the first person, which isn't very Bruce. Still, I think it's either Harris or maybe Smith/Harris. I'd be surprised (and disappointed, for the purposes of this post) if Bruce co-wrote it.
One thing I noticed yesterday - no guitarist has ever written a Maiden song with another guitarist. I find that really quite interesting.
hmmm, well..... i like the solo's

I was expecting a bit more from Maiden but I guess after so many albums the ideas dry up eventually. I'm still looking forward to hearing the whole album.
I to was hoping they might punch out some shorter songs on this album.
As long as these long songs don't turn out repetative, boring or just plain wanky I will be happy :lol:
Listened to it again last night, and actually noticed the middle section - the kind which really pisses me off when Maiden rehashes it on every album, so I'm not surprised I subconsciously skipped over it :lol:
I would have assured first off that "El Dorado" was a Smith/Dickinson contribution as, melodically, it sounds a lot like something off Bruce's solo career (it has Skunkworks written all over it, as you have already suggested) and the heavy riffing is more in the vein of something Adrian would do. But, as Blitzkrieg noted earlier, the lyrics written in first-person are not very characteristic of Bruce so, and having read the whole press release, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Smith/Dickinson/Harris colaboration.

With that said, I'm quite excited about the new album but, although El Dorado is not a bad track at all, I still wouldn't change it for any of the ones on AMOLAD. I'm not sure if I like the way the song progresses throughout its almost seven minutes. It's not that the different parts don't blend in together well, but it does seem to me that it tries to be as structurally complex as tracks like Benjamin Breeg from AMOLAD but ends up relying way too much on melody and, therefore, sounding a little bit monotonous. Don't you have the feeling that this could/should be a much shorter song, as in, a typical straight rocking Maiden album opener?

Anyway, just a non-musician's two cents here, hoping the song will grow on him and have the opportunity to enjoy "The Final Frontier" as much as he is still enjoying AMOLAD!