Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier

They've already said this is not the last album in interviews. They wouldn't lie would they? Or would they! I think the last album should have a black cover with the words Iron Maiden on it and nothing else, no picture, no title, nothing, so that everyone realises that this really is the end. Seriously though I think a final album is definitely probable although it may not see the light of the day for another 4 or 5 years and by then they'll be fossils!
I was in a record shop yesterday and they had the album already so I bought it and listened to it on the car ride home one time. Overall I felt it was a let down (based on one listen).

I didn't like most of the guitar tones and I felt there were two many layers of guitars when straight chords were played. It sounded to me like there was not a lot of energy (particularly in the drums and vocals) that I felt on the previous discs (especially Brave New World and Dance of Death).

I felt the stand out track was Isles of Avalon and after that I cranked it up and the remainder of the album was enjoyed more than the first half. I was also running on 4 hours of sleep and a 6 hour car ride so that could have played a role. It certainly will require more listens.

Then I saw The Expendables that night and felt better. Wow what an over the top movie!
They've already said this is not the last album in interviews. They wouldn't lie would they? Or would they! I think the last album should have a black cover with the words Iron Maiden on it and nothing else, no picture, no title, nothing, so that everyone releases that this really is the end. Seriously though I think a final album is definitely probable although it may not see the light of the day for another 4 or 5 years and by then they'll be fossils!

Plus and I could be wrong here, but I would think their last album will be a mix of a lot of their eras. This seems to be like their most progressive yet and they know it will polarize some. I doubt they would leave like that.
Since the album leaked on Tuesday, I've listened to it 5 times, or about once a day. So not a crazy amount. This weekend I did a 140 mile out-and-back bike trip, and one infallible fact of long-distance bike rides is that I spontaneously get songs stuck in my head. On this trip, those songs were exclusively from 'The Final Frontier'. And it wasn't just one, it was 5 or 6 of them. That tells me this thing has some pretty great songs on it.

So, has anyone actually given lucid thought that Maiden's saying this is it. No More. They're gonna disband. Etc . . ?

It is interesting that the first and last songs both focus on an oncoming, expected death, which speaks to a sort of self-conscious awareness similar to what we saw on Sentenced's 'The Funeral Album'. But then I remembered that their last two albums have the word "death" in the freakin' title, and these particular explorations of death suddenly became much less notable.

Plus and I could be wrong here, but I would think their last album will be a mix of a lot of their eras. This seems to be like their most progressive yet and they know it will polarize some. I doubt they would leave like that.

They've spent the last decade (or their whole career) explicitly refusing to pander to their fans. So it would be really weird if they suddenly decided to "sell out" on their final album, shitting on the legacy they've been building.

I checked the album and am by no means a Maiden fanboy, although I really like the band. That being said, I think this album is the best they've released since Brave New World, which is my favorite Maiden album. Coming Home is a fucking fantastic song. The melodies and the chorus have been in my mind for days. Awesome!
They've spent the last decade (or their whole career) explicitly refusing to pander to their fans. So it would be really weird if they suddenly decided to "sell out" on their final album, shitting on the legacy they've been building.


I'm not saying for them to sell out. I just think their final disc will have more variety is all, but you are right in that they don't "sell out" to their fans which is something I do admire about them, though sometimes they push that a little too far.
Well my CD arrived this morning. It's good to have a new Maiden album in my hands. Metal fans shouldn't take that for granted from now on. Sure it will happen one more time probably in a few years but this is likely to be the second to last time that I or any metal fan will ever be doing this. Of course after their final studio album the real retirement lump sum cash-in albums will begin in earnest. You know the drill, with live dvds, live albums, best ofs etc.
I checked the album and am by no means a Maiden fanboy, although I really like the band. That being said, I think this album is the best they've released since Brave New World, which is my favorite Maiden album. Coming Home is a fucking fantastic song. The melodies and the chorus have been in my mind for days. Awesome!

Have to agree about Coming Home. The melody is just very emotional.
I hope Maiden doesn't fall into the same trap with Kevin Shirley that Metallica did with Bob Rock. It seems to me that he is having the same effect that Bob Rock did with Metallica. I don't enjoy Shirley's production and definitely think that their guitar and drum tones could be way better. It might be time for a fresh perspective, someone who will push these guys to their limits.
On initial hearing, it sounds like Maiden did a collaboration with Marillion. If I did not know this was Bruce singing, I'd swear it was Fish.
To be honest, I am a Maiden fangirl...

With that out of the way...I must say that the only song I have heard so far is "El Dorado" and I did not like it very much...I am waiting for the official release in the US tomorrow morning...I am very nervous to say the least b/c of all the mixed reviews!
To my ears, there aren't any "intros" on the album. The quiet parts are integral to the entire song, and without them, the scope and range and atmosphere would be destroyed.

Agreed 100%. I love the slow intros that build anticipation for the big guitar run or lead vocal. What's wrong with a little foreplay anyway?
OMG :( I really don't think I am going to like this album... got up at 5AM to d/l from Amazon to my ipod and to load to CD so I could listen on my way in to work... I am very dissapointed... this is their weakest effort since Brave New World... I hope this grows on me a little bit :(
I hope Maiden doesn't fall into the same trap with Kevin Shirley that Metallica did with Bob Rock. It seems to me that he is having the same effect that Bob Rock did with Metallica. I don't enjoy Shirley's production and definitely think that their guitar and drum tones could be way better. It might be time for a fresh perspective, someone who will push these guys to their limits.

Really??? I LOVE the production on this and the last few albums. It just sounds so natural and perfect. You are actually listening to the band, and not the producer. If you know what I mean?
So you're not even gonna listen to it to hear for yourself if you like or not?
I had been on the fence about even bothering listening for a while. Between all the lackluster reviews from the diehards and Britt's assessment, I just don't feel the need to waste my time. I'm not a big Maiden or Bruce fan to begin with. I'm also not a huge fan of 55 year old men making Metal. All of that considered, it's just like any other disc that I filter out without hearing it... there's only so much time in the day.