Irrational Fears

Usually when I'm driving or in a car with someone else driving, I'll keep my mouth closed with my teath almost clenched, making sure that neither my tongue nor the inside of my cheeks are in danger of being bitten if I run over a bump or get into a crash or something.

Happened in a past life imo. :yuk: :p :loco:
Usually when I'm driving or in a car with someone else driving, I'll keep my mouth closed with my teath almost clenched, making sure that neither my tongue nor the inside of my cheeks are in danger of being bitten if I run over a bump or get into a crash or something.

It's become rare for me to be in a car when I'm not driving.
That's not too weird, I think. I like to look at them but can't stand touching them. When I was little and would go fishing with my dad, I always had him take whatever fish I caught off the line because they looked so horrible flopping around out of water and gasping for air. :( The thought of this still trips me out a bit.

My dad was big into shark fishing and he had a life-size half of a shark in our basement with real teeth in it. It scared the shit out of me. It's still there, and it still kind of creeps me out.

I want to get over this fear but I kind of don't. Fish just freak me out. I don't like the idea of being in the water with one, as it's just... eh. I can't imagine sitting in a bath tub with fish. I think a catfish or an eel would freak me out the most. So damned gross.
But I'm afraid of dogs.. :blush:

Same here unless they're small, regular size dogs nip at kids and you can't tell if they want to attack you or not. I've had a girlfriends dog for about 3 years which is really easy to deal with becauase you can train it not worrying about it pissing and shitting on the floor needing a litter box like say a cat nor do you have to worry about it because it is harmless. Regular size dogs and cats ruin shit and they're just dumb animals. I can't stand when walking around and some persons stupid dog is just barking,etc.... why do people even have dogs for the most part.