Irrational Fears

I remember when I was younger, I used to be afraid of koosh balls. Even now if I see one I still freak out a bit.

My siblings used to torment me with them because they knew I was afraid of them. When we went to the toystore they would throw them at me and I would run away like a little girl.
I used to have a ton of plastic insects and I used to scare my cousin with them. One time I just started throwing a bunch at her and she was screaming.
What is koosh balls?


*shakes in fear*
:lol:I know what they're called in general, I thought koosh balls was a specific name for those round fluffy things.
You know, like tinsel(it's called "rain" in Russian.). Well, there are tinsel balls. I thought it looked like an enlarged version of a tinsel ball.
I had one of those rubbery spine ball things. Anyway I shook it about in my hand and said it's alive as a joke and this Chinese man told me once when he was at a rich friends house he was served something very similar looking to it. He said he ate it out of politeness because it cost a lot of money to keep them alive (maybe they were served live or something).
I had one of those rubbery spine ball things. Anyway I shook it about in my hand and said it's alive as a joke and this Chinese man told me once when he was at a rich friends house he was served something very similar looking to it. He said he ate it out of politeness because it cost a lot of money to keep them alive (maybe they were served live or something).

Say what?:lol:

Uh, maybe it was a sea urchin?

More likely however, that you won't remember posting this the next day. :p
OK here's one. I get paranoid every time I comb my hair and find that a single hair or two has been plucked out. To counter this, I use gratuitous amounts of conditioner and comb it in the shower right after I apply the conditioner. For similar reasons I never blowdry my hair, for fear it will get tangled and I'll lose hair by combing out the knots.
Usually when I'm driving or in a car with someone else driving, I'll keep my mouth closed with my teath almost clenched, making sure that neither my tongue nor the inside of my cheeks are in danger of being bitten if I run over a bump or get into a crash or something.