Irvine Show mini review....

I'm bummed I missed Maiden. This is the first time in over 20 years that Maiden didn't come out to the bay area when they were in California. I'm glad everyone had a great time and the band sounded good. I'll catch them next time... Hopefully a bit closer to home. Now I want to see the girls more than EVER!! :rock:
With Maiden's setlist being the new album in it's entirety, how cool would it have been to have The Iron Maidens open the gig and play all the classic songs? Maybe someday...wishful thinking. Makes me wonder, has that ever been suggested to the band, specifically Steve Harris? I bet he'd think that'd be a great idea! If they did that, I think the fans would walk away completely blown away and fulfilled with a double dose of Maiden!"

Now that would be great.. I hope the girls would give us all here first dibs on front row pit for it tooo :)
momadave said:
I'm bummed I missed Maiden. This is the first time in over 20 years that Maiden didn't come out to the bay area when they were in California. I'm glad everyone had a great time and the band sounded good. I'll catch them next time... Hopefully a bit closer to home. Now I want to see the girls more than EVER!! :rock:

I'm confused....they didn't go to the bay area on the DOD tour...just Universal City (LA).

Great reviews guys....sorry mine was so long. Once I start typing about a Maiden experience, I find it hard to stop...LOL!
Metallicat180 said:
That was on the Garage Inc tour - they took out a band called Battery who played the Metallica originals cos the real band were only playing covers! :D

You know...that's REALLY funny, when you think about it...

The cover band, played the old originals....and the real band played the covers. :u-huh:
spideyjg said:
I thought the cell phones being used like lighters were in the old days was damn funny. :lol:


I thought it was hysterical when I saw that at Nickelback/Hinder. 90% of the kids were holding up cellphones rather than lighters during the ballads.

Most of the people at Maiden did it the RIGHT way.
yeah fun show! saw alot of friends and met some new too \m/ the whole band was tight and the new stuff sounds awesome live - what a great choice to play the whole damn thing - hells yes! steve's technique is amazing; had me wishing i could hammer 4 strings like that!
oh yeah and meeting steve, dave, adrian, and janick again was too cool!
You look a bit speechless standing there with your namesake Sara. :lol:

Glad Aja did get to meet the guys. :kickass:

So I'm browsing the pics on the IMOC and looking at the LA show pics posted and low and behold I see ME!!!!!!!! (and my brother who I took for his b-day)


Loving them row A seats... Too bad they didn't snap the pic when I snuck Aja and Sara up front!

NoEffenPicks said:
So I'm browsing the pics on the IMOC and looking at the LA show pics posted and low and behold I see ME!!!!!!!! (and my brother who I took for his b-day)


Loving them row A seats... Too bad they didn't snap the pic when I snuck Aja and Sara up front!

Oh that's a great picture! :rock:

Thanks for letting us feel the power up there with you, Chris! It was nice hanging with you and your bro for a minute! The rest of the show I enjoyed at the sound booth. ( That's another story in itself I'll have to get to!) I don't know what they were shooting for, but they had a cool camera that was on Bruce the entire time. Talk about up close and personal - I could see every expression on his face!

But meeting some of the boys of Maiden in person was the icing on the cake! Picture this one folks- I was speechless!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Groovy shot, add that to your collection right along the the personal one standing with steve gripping your 4 string. You are a true and faithful follower, you can be found when ever their in LA.
Air Raid Siren said:
But meeting some of the boys of Maiden in person was the icing on the cake! Picture this one folks- I was speechless!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now what would you have done if Bruce was there? "Hi I'm jAa Ikm Maids The singer Irons shsr *faint*" :lol: :lol:


Ecxellent shot Chris!