Is 15 samples of latency normal?


SSL Studios
Feb 19, 2007

I'd like to know if I'm missing something here. I'm using my 8i6 Scarlett with a rather decent Samson S-Direct for my high output Telecaster. I'm running it through GTune and Onqel's 5150 plugin. I hit the input monitor button and when I record, the track seemed too early by 15 samples.

Is it normal to have that kind of latency with plugins? I was thinking, in order to track 'direct', I'd have to bypass the plugins but they would be all 'clean'. What would be the best possible solution here?

Many thanks for reading!
At 44100, 15 samples is about 3 miliseconds, if listening on headphones the delay would be like listening to a speaker 1 meter away from your ears.
Don't worry about it too much.
Also there's no way x50 or gtune are causing 15 samples of latency, it's something else, possibly your cab sim (I know recabinet introduces some minuscule amount of latency). Still your daw should compensate for this, you didn't mention which daw you're using.
I recently discovered that whenever I record, the recorded audio is about 3.5 ms delayed from where it "should be." I'm using Reaper on a Macbook Pro

I discovered this by noticing comb filtering in a reamp I was blending.

Sorry, I meant late by 15 Samples. I don't know if it's okay though because each time I track, I'd have tendency to zoom in deep into the spikes to make sure that it hits the grid.

Is that the wrong way to look when recording? Sometimes, I feel that I've tracked the best take but I'll do the zoom and see that it's off by a few samples. Is it natural to be that off or is it just me?

Many thanks!
Use a sine wave & hook up a short cable from one of your interface's line outs to it's line in and bring up the gain until it is a similar level.
Mute the line-in track in your DAW and record the sine wave and see how much latency (delay) by seeing where the soundwaves line up.
The DAW I use has a setting in the preferences (options) that lets you compensate this delay so that it matches up (mine is around -1 ms).
Do this with no plugins on the line-in track. Also, You can lower latency using the sound interface buffer settings and the DAWs CPU buffer settings
TBH I do not know whether you are getting plug-in latency or audio interface latency. CPU buffer is for plugins mostly. Sound interface buffer is for recording

EDIT: If you find the option for delay compensation in your preferences, then change it and re-record the soundwave and see if it has improved
Hey guys, thanks for the inputs. I fired up an experiment with a sine wave as suggested above and found that the delay was just 1 sample. I guess I had to change the setting in Focusrite's MixControl to lower the latency.

Otherwise, thanks for the help, I really, really appreciate it! Problem solved! :grin:
Hey guys, thanks for the inputs. I fired up an experiment with a sine wave as suggested above and found that the delay was just 1 sample. I guess I had to change the setting in Focusrite's MixControl to lower the latency.

Otherwise, thanks for the help, I really, really appreciate it! Problem solved! :grin:

Awesome, glad you worked it out :Smokin: