Tracking at 128 samples


Mar 30, 2005
Do you feel comfortable tracking at 128 samples? I've the profire 2626 and I'm forced to track at's not bad at all.
The point is that when I monitor through ProTools and with the M-Audio mixer (direct monitor) I hear a noticeable latency.
So for my last work I tried to track in another way: I engage the track, I mute and I use the M.Audio mixer to direct monitor everything.
In some cases it's very annoying because you have to mute and unmute very often the tracks to check what you recorded...or mute them when you punch-in (to let the musicians ear at which point we are in the song)...
Ok...if I track every musician at 128 it should not be a problem because everyone ears the same amount of latency, but I think that everyone has different ear and different perception of the latency, so someone could make more mistakes also with a little amount of latency.
Another advantage of this method is that you can track with 2048 samples with direct monitor.
A big disadvantage is that you can't use plugins when you track.
Do you experiment similar methods or do you simply use the shortest latency available?
128 has always been low enough for me to track with very minimal latency, also using a Profire and M-Powered! Maybe you are being too picky or maybe there is another factor increasing the latency? Are you tracking with any plugins on the armed track or any busses (including the master)?
I always track at 32 or 64 (max) when using some plugins on the way in.
I once tracked a drummer who played perfectly but always like 1-3 samples behind the click when I tracked him at 128 .
After I changed the buffer to 32 he was dead on....
I need to get very low. Cause using amp sims I hear the lag even at 64. As I use asio4all I can't get under to 32. That's a dream for me. And when my cpu is loaded with too much vsts I need to go to 88 or 96 samples to track. I'm going to buy a Saffire pro 24. Can I get 32 samples with it ?
I can mildly differentiate between 128 and 64 but I switched to 32 once and never really noticed any difference between that and 64.
Further to my previous comment... when I'm playing my Roland ekit, I can't go any higher than 64. But for tracking guitars, 128 is fine.
128 has always been low enough for me to track with very minimal latency, also using a Profire and M-Powered! Maybe you are being too picky or maybe there is another factor increasing the latency? Are you tracking with any plugins on the armed track or any busses (including the master)?

No I've not a big latency but I noticed that if I listen at the same time the input from PT at 128 and the Direct input, there is the classic delay fx...not too much but I tried to eliminate the risk of tracking with some delay.

As I said, with this method I can't use any pugins while I track because the tracks I record are muted.

Anyway if 128 is fine with most of you, probably I tried a time expensive method that probably doesn't give me any advantage
I track only the vocals @128 for everything else i use direct monitoring (pt LE and a slow comp).
Well, I´m having problems with latency, I actually use FR Saffire 56 FW and I can´t get any lower than 240 samples without hearing clicks and outs of kills me, cause I´ll start a tour next weekend with a local band and I have in mind use trigger in live mode....but I´m afraid 240 samples is gonna be noticeable.....shiiiiiiitttt!!!! Any tips on this??