Tracking at 128 samples

Well, I´m having problems with latency, I actually use FR Saffire 56 FW and I can´t get any lower than 240 samples without hearing clicks and outs of kills me, cause I´ll start a tour next weekend with a local band and I have in mind use trigger in live mode....but I´m afraid 240 samples is gonna be noticeable.....shiiiiiiitttt!!!! Any tips on this??

hmm. Sonar sucks? Try it with Reaper. Disable the extra inputs and software returns you aren't using to allow you more bandwidth for what you do use.
Maybe it'll sound stupid, but I'll ask anyway. Say you have a snare hit. If latency is for ex. 6ms, I will hear it (live monitoring enabled, not direct interface input monitoring) 6ms later, but it will be printed in DAW host without any latency. I think this is correct, but wanna be sure?
Had a bad experience recently tracking a vocalist at 128 samples on my MacBook Pro with Apogee Duet into Cubase 5. Got quite a few dropouts, during some truly great takes that I didn't want to get rid of. I had to go in with the pencil and fix the errant samples in question.

I think the reason for the dropouts was that I was using Waves SSL Channel Strips and Buss Compression to get him a good sounding headphone feed. Seems like there just wasn't quite enough power to do the job even though my CPU meter wasn't spiking. In the future I will stick to stock Cubase compression and EQ for monitor feeds in mobile tracking situations.
Maybe it'll sound stupid, but I'll ask anyway. Say you have a snare hit. If latency is for ex. 6ms, I will hear it (live monitoring enabled, not direct interface input monitoring) 6ms later, but it will be printed in DAW host without any latency. I think this is correct, but wanna be sure?

All DAWs will draw the waveform in the correct latency compensated location.
Yes correct. But the problem is that if the drummer hears his hits with those 6ms his subconscius in my opinion try to compensate the the lower is the latency, the best is the performance
It's pretty lame that PT M-powered has the latency locked at 128 samples minimum...with reaper I can go down to 32 samples.......
Also if I raise the sample rate to 96Khz, the buffer still remains at 128. Ridicolous
I monitor directly with the interface and track at about 1024 samples I believe. Cubase 5 does have the edge in monitoring options compared to Pro Tools... but that-s about it I think really lol
It's pretty lame that PT M-powered has the latency locked at 128 samples minimum...with reaper I can go down to 32 samples.......
Also if I raise the sample rate to 96Khz, the buffer still remains at 128. Ridicolous

A buffer at 128 88.2khz sample rate is equivalent to 64 at 44.1khz sample-rate. But yeah... it's lame they limit you.
It's pretty lame that PT M-powered has the latency locked at 128 samples minimum...with reaper I can go down to 32 samples.......
Also if I raise the sample rate to 96Khz, the buffer still remains at 128. Ridicolous

I track with the Profire 2626 at either 128 or 64 in Pro Tools while using plugins. The lowest you can go with the Profire is 64 in PT but I think that's only in 8.0.1 onwards - not in 8.0.
I track with the Profire 2626 at either 128 or 64 in Pro Tools while using plugins. The lowest you can go with the Profire is 64 in PT but I think that's only in 8.0.1 onwards - not in 8.0.

Don't seems that with Windows you can go down to 64 when in OsX you can't...don't know why
I've got 8.0.4 M-Powered installed, and I can only go to 128.

That's odd. I installed 7.4 and then 8.0 the other day (was having the white noise error and trying to fix it :mad:) and realised I could only go to 128. But after installing 8.0.1 again I could go down to 64 and have been able to previously. I record at 44.1Khz if I remember correctly? Perhaps the sample rate has something to do with it?
Don't seems that with Windows you can go down to 64 when in OsX you can't...don't know why

This is true. I asked once and they said 128 has always been the lowest. Obviously heads are up asses.

003 can go to 32 samples in PT on mac I think.

Reaper gets you lower latency but punching in and comping sucks compared to PT. :erk: