is EoR a punk rock record?

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according to EoR is the bands Reign of Blood (not Reign IN Blood) and also punk rock record!? wtf, now I've heard everything....I want the drugs the reviewer is obviously on
sanctuary6 said:
according to EoR is the bands Reign of Blood (not Reign IN Blood) and also punk rock record!? wtf, now I've heard everything....I want the drugs the reviewer is obviously on

maybe with regard to the nihilistic lyrics?
According to (who seem to have a pretty dumb cd reviewer), EOR sounds like a mix between Slayer and nu-metal. He also states that WD's voice sounds like Serj Tankian (whatever his name is.... singer in SOAD)...

Karmic said:
According to (who seem to have a pretty dumb cd reviewer), EOR sounds like a mix between Slayer and nu-metal. He also states that WD's voice sounds like Serj Tankian (whatever his name is.... singer in SOAD)...


and therein lies the mistake. nevermore was around longer, so how can WD sound like a dude from a newer band if WD's style has been pretty much the same since PoE? looks like the guy heard SOAD first, and that's his point of reference, which explains his retarded opinions.
Here is the review By Martin Popoff on

Nevermore - Enemies Of Reality
(Century Media) Nobody attacks a vocal like Warrel Dane - on record or live - and the man's back cast for Enemies Of Reality most definitely gives the man the soundtrack and support he needs to spew a venom that has earned the band such a hallowed spot amongst the metal masses. Absolutely resolute and solitary with their own, seemingly effortlessly achieved, sound, Nevermore, in crude terms, are a thinking man's thrash band with a doom vocalist. And this record is the thrashiest of them all - for better or worse. There are a couple of flaws here, starting with the shockingly treble-void production, the band taking thick, warm knob-job values to new extremes, perhaps too far. As well, the album's only 40 minutes long, and those 40 minutes rarely let go of a roiling metal mash, one that works arguably acceptably here, but not so good live, the lack of hooks, the strange sense of monotone, and the wall of drums, bass and low, grinding guitars wearing the patience. Warrel seems to be thrashing in the quicksand of it all, and even the mellow tracks seem showered in a buzzing blue haze. Make no mistake, few demonstrate their knowledge of metal like these angry technicians (Is Lamb Of God the new Nevermore?), and this album - or perhaps Politics - may one day be viewed as the band's Reign Of Blood, the punk rock album of a long catalogue of mostly sweeping epic productions.
Rating 8

I usually agree with Martin, but EOR is not punk rock. Maybe he is saying compared to NEVEMORES other, longer, epic, releases (Dead Heart..., DNB) that it (EOR) could be seen as the bands Reign In Blood due to its length and some "Thrashy" songs. Hell I don't know, just my guess.
I'll admit, I didn't listen closely the first time I heard it, but I tried again, and I about cried. If that isn't the best motherfucking album I've ever heard, Then I'm secretly dating Warrel's mother.
But what about chasing the dragon?

(Maybe he's riding the horse WHILE chasing the dragon, hmm.)