Is it just me, or does Evergrey suck live?


Dictator of your ass
Apr 27, 2003
Copenhagen - Denmark
I have seen them 3 times, and the first time they were ok, but that was also when they just released the snoozefest Recreation Day, so they still played some of their awesome songs from the 3 first albums...

Second time they absolutely sucked, no contact, no energy, BAD sound, bad setlist.

Third time was even worse...

Am I the only one experiencing this?


Np: Time Machine - Evil
You sure that's the Evergrey we're talking about? I mean, I've only seen them once (on tour with CoB and Iced Earth), but they kicked ASS, even with a short setlist. Considering I was one of about 5 people who'd heard of them before, they rocked it out. I know for sure they made a lot of new fans. The kids behind me caught Michael's pick (It went right through my fingers :() and they were ecstatic.

I think it's just you.
I've heard you say this before Mad's, and i just have this to say............At least you got to see them live! I'm still waiting, waiting for the dvd, waiting for Evergrey's first venture to the Australian sores..........waiting

I've seen them 5x. Two were less than stellar, but that was due to major technical problems. The other three were outstanding.
I've seen them four timesw and they where amazing every time. First time I saw them live I didn't even know their music. Only heard one song from recreation day and I was blown away after that concert. Couldn't wait to see them live again.
Next two weeks I'm going to see them two more times, supporting Ja;es Labrie and at the Dynamo festival. Couldn't go the day before dynamo cause it's a 2 our drive to there. So I will miss the signing:'(
Troll?? No. Mad's likes Evergrey, but as i found out when speaking to him once, he just doesn't like them live. Realy beats me, all i've seen is the stuff we can download of, and from that i would say they are great,and if not for anything else, just the awsome music being played makes me wana go see them.

Nebulous said:
Troll?? No. Mad's likes Evergrey, but as i found out when speaking to him once, he just doesn't like them live. Realy beats me, all i've seen is the stuff we can download of, and from that i would say they are great,and if not for anything else, just the awsome music being played makes me wana go see them.


Well I have seen them 13 times since 1998 including the DVD-recording gig and apart from technical problems (which they do seem to have a bit more often the other bands I have seen) I have nothing to complain about. And the DVD-gig was definitely the best gig they have ever done. Then again, considering that you seem to have the same favourite albums as I have, namely the first three, I can understand that you are dissappointed but that is really not the fault of the gig itself and not something unique to Evergrey. Almost every band I know concentrate more on their newer albums than their earlier ones (unless they play some type of 'best of gig' which I hope lies far in the future for Evergrey. It could be argued that the DVD-gig was such a gig though).
I didn`t even know the band before I saw them at Summerbreeze last year. They MUST be a good live band, because I stood there at Summerbreeze watching their gig the whole time (normally any "softer" kinds of music doesn`t fascinate me too much and I leave after I made the photos for my magazine... but when Evergrey played I just had to see it ALL... it was amazing, even though this normally isn´t "my kind" of music...
Hey Daniel... didn't know you posted here! What's up?

I can say that I am not the only one who thinks they suck live, but I wanted to hear the EG fanboys opinion...

I have several EG picks (3 or 4)... and I must say they look cool!

Sorry if I offended anyone here, but no band (besides Queensryche) has ever been so boring to watch as Evergrey (not counting in the countless amateur newbie bands I have seen)...

Anyways... I am not going to see them again!
BumZen said:
Hey Daniel... didn't know you posted here! What's up?

I can say that I am not the only one who thinks they suck live, but I wanted to hear the EG fanboys opinion...

I have several EG picks (3 or 4)... and I must say they look cool!

Sorry if I offended anyone here, but no band (besides Queensryche) has ever been so boring to watch as Evergrey (not counting in the countless amateur newbie bands I have seen)...

Anyways... I am not going to see them again!

I think it's a Danish thing... According to what's previously have been shared on this forum, Evergrey seem to have had their must dull / worst gigs in Demark for some reason.

I've seen them three times in two countries, and two of the concerts were excellent, and the third really cool,

I think this post is just a useless mass. Evergrey is a great band, and since i saw their live videos, i think they perform very well. Any other problems during the concerts like sound issues have nothing to do with the band but sound-men. You are blaming wrong people.

This post will do nothing but breaking the hearts of band members...
Well, I have seen them live.. About 10 or 12 times now I think.. Out of all those gigs, one wasn't really amazing and one was bad, and that was due to some fuck ups with the sound (playing first on a festival)..
I actually fell totally in love with the music by seeing them live. i had never heard about Evergrey when a friend dragged me to their show.. And ooow boy, was a show it was.. Almost all my favourite bands are bands that I first saw playing live, which made me buy the music and go to many more shows..
I have no idea what kind of gigs you saw of them, but I have no complaints whatsoever. Only complaint is maybe my neck that hurts like heeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll when I come back from one of their gigs.. And the huge hangover that goes with an Evergrey gig.. ;)
peza said:
I think it's a Danish thing... According to what's previously have been shared on this forum, Evergrey seem to have had their must dull / worst gigs in Demark for some reason.

I've seen them three times in two countries, and two of the concerts were excellent, and the third really cool,


Haha... It is far from just Danes who think this! Even their own countrymen, the Swedes have said this to me! And two of the three times I saw them was in Sweden...

And Denmark is most likely a bad country to play in... we have something called the Jantelaw, and it kinda affects our way of living... if we want it or not! But I guess you don't give a rats ass...
