Is it just me, or does Evergrey suck live?

NoSoup4you said:
I'm Sorry is awesomely heavy IMO... also a single. So was Blinded actually! That song was OK, I don't love it or hate it. Fragments is kickass, with an emotional chorus. Madness is kind of cool, a nice break before Darkest Hour (my favorite EG song!) How could you not like that song, it's beautiful! And actually I think Unforgivable was the worst song on the album, and Darkest Hour would've made a lot more sense as a finale...

What ? The worst song ? What is that supposed to mean ? "Unforgivable sin" is my favorite track from the album.
well to be honest...I haven't follow the whole discussion..sorry guys but I was a bit away for a while.

I think the band is very tired at the moment and without much inspiration. I miss the chemistry between eachother on stage. I have seen them more than 3 times the last weeks (dynamo weekend and the supportact with Labrie) and still they are good, but not that good. They still have a good quality, but I have seen them better, that's all:)
It is normal to loose their inspiration i think. Because they are touring for a long time. It must be a tiring experience for all of them. Wait for the new album. That is when the inspiraiton is needed most :)
I saw them yesterday live (in Madrid) and I can say it has been THE BEST concert I've been to. The sound was good, they played very well, they were fun and kind... and at the end they came with the public so we could take photos with all of them and get our CD signed.

The only thing I could say is: :worship:
BumZen said:
Useless mass? I am sharing my opinion, and I was just curious to see what the EG fanboys thought...

And yes... I know from Perpetual Motion that Tom is very touchy about his work! But, as with all artists, if you can't take any negative critique, then you should most likely quit the business!

Oh, and I am NOT blaming the wrong people! IF the sound is bad (which it was at the show in Denmark) then you should still try to do your best... people left the show (note that I was there to support them all the way), because you could clearly see on their faces they didn't have a good time! And I never think it looks like it... well, the first time It looked like Tom enjoyed himself!
But a band should always try to do their best, no matter what! And I do not think EG has done that any of the times I saw them! I may be wrong though!

On a sidenote... all three times I saw them, Mercenary warmed up, and they put on an incredible live performance... maybe EGs is just pale compared to theirs?!?!

Oh... and Illnath, if you did see them in Slagelse, then you must have been really drunk! Not a single person I talked with there thought they slayed!


It is stupid of you to think EG fanboys would think anything other than "Evergrey totally pwns live!"
I only saw them once when they toured the States with Arch Enemy. They were fuckin' bad ass. I was at the Iced Earth, Children of Bodom show, but I got there late and missed Evergrey. I'm still pissed about that. Anyway, I hope to see them again some time.
I've seen them 3 times the first two (in Aalborg) were awsome , but the third was total shit Tom said it was one of their worst shows ever,this was also in Aalborg and the band really looked like they hated the crowd, totally unprofestional, but the show on the dvd really shows Evergrey at their best.
BumZen said:
I have seen them 3 times, and the first time they were ok, but that was also when they just released the snoozefest Recreation Day, so they still played some of their awesome songs from the 3 first albums...

Second time they absolutely sucked, no contact, no energy, BAD sound, bad setlist.

Third time was even worse...

Am I the only one experiencing this?


Np: Time Machine - Evil

Dude the DVD is incredible, you don't know what you're talking about, They play awsome live. Deletee this thread.
No, don't delete this thread. That would be immature and nazi-like. People are allowed to disagree. Music has always been about one thing--opinion. They should feel free to express their opinions here, there, or anywhere, so long as it isn't just one big flame. As Henrik said on the DVD: "You're always gonna have people who this The Dark Discovery is the best album and all the rest of it is shit." It works for concerts too--you'll have people who think that they are terrible live, and others will think they kick ass.

Just my 2 cents.
The thread will not be deleted, but the horse is awfully dead and doesn't need any more beating, I think...
I've seen Evergrey three times in Aalborg and I think they were great every time, the last time though was a little dissapointig, partly because most of the crowd walked out and partly because the band said it was one of their worst shows ever.
The concert on the DVD is great and I think it gives a good impresion of how good the band is live.

I would like to give a little :yuk: to the DVD, WHAT'S UP WITH THOSE SUBTITLES? I can understand some swedish but I can't read tiny letters in no time. Otherwise the DVD rules.