Is it me or do these recordings suck?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK

I mean, theyre not the worst but to me they're really tinny, and the drums suck dick big time.

I'm not trying to start any kind of shit but every local band from my area are going to this dude and are coming out with the exact same production which I'm not too keen on.

One of the guys from the band told me there was a thread about this on the Thirty Days of Nights forum discussing the same thing but I couldnt find it anywhere.

Need some fresh ears and opinions
Thats the main part in the records I dont like. He's recorded 2 of my friends bands and used the same snare ... i hate that snare. it sounds so bland.
haha yeah man i get the point, thats snare is hidoeous.

Things is they not on it for clean production, they want cheap demos........

If i gets on your tits man be competivitve a bout it and other songs for £40 and do a better job! then charge more when they come back to you!
Yeah man I'm offering my services to these guys for mid - late october when I get everything I need. Offering for £35 haha

They hate the production too :p

I've been recording with a friends bands for free recently so when I feel totally ready I'll save them :p
Also there a few other guys like this in the UK

Some how seem to get bands in on terrible productions, a paticular on charged £120 for 'demo' sounding songs.........

No name dropping though, lets keep it clean :)
In a way, I'm not too bothered by this. He's doing the same sort of thing I am.

I'm nowhere near good enough to do this professionally, nor do I have good enough equipment to do it professionally. I can however do a better job than most people when they try to record bedroom demos. I don't charge much (£25/song), I try to be down to Earth and realistic about what I do and as far as I can tell, everyone benefits. I get better at recording and producing every time and they get a better set of recordings than they would otherwise and they're only paying a few quid each.

The only good studio for metal in Devon and Cornwall that I know of is Sharptooth studios, which is £100 a track and in the depths of Cornwall. Hopefully I fill the gap between really poor home recordings and polished EP quality in both price and fidelity.

All that said, this guy went to AE school and passed with a distinction and says 'My Recording, Mixing & Mastering is all of Professional/Commercial Standard'. Ok, firstly that's for other people to say and secondly, it absolutely isn't. Your mixes are dull and shitty.
To be honest, I think that producing metal will be quite different to what he learnt in AE school

There's more than metal on his page. If you go to AE school, finish with a distinction, have good gear and still produce a subpar product then something is wrong.