Is it me or do these recordings suck?

i wouldnt worry too much mate, keep your own work up and the cream always rises to the top.

i hate all the bullshit that goes on between "rival" studios. i have never ripped into other places and have heard shit from people about me.....kind of sucks to hear when its untrue.
i wouldnt worry too much mate, keep your own work up and the cream always rises to the top.

i hate all the bullshit that goes on between "rival" studios. i have never ripped into other places and have heard shit from people about me.....kind of sucks to hear when its untrue.

I know man, I didnt wanna start any kind of shit it was just I didn't think the mixes my friends had been given were the best thats all, I wanted some fresh ears on it just to see if I was being a bit harsh

I'll keep doing my thing and progressing either way :)
Well, if those qualify for "having good gear" when 50% of the gear reads Behringer and if excluding the instruments, all of the things are worth together less than my laptop.

It's still more than enough to make much better mixes than he's producing.

I don't know a post about my indifference to this turned into me criticising him and everyone else being defensive. :lol:
i wouldnt worry too much mate, keep your own work up and the cream always rises to the top.

i hate all the bullshit that goes on between "rival" studios. i have never ripped into other places and have heard shit from people about me.....kind of sucks to hear when its untrue.

What kinda shit have people been saying about you?
drums sound horrible haha. guitars cut through although it may not be the perfect tone though.
I still wonder how people do it.. :u-huh:
they probably got a few houses to rent out,collect money and do this shit in spare time.

£90 a day for a big room including drum tracking is impossible.

Fucking charity for local (non)talents
How would you feel if someone better than you at mixing posted a thread like you did, only about your shitty recordings? This guy gets more business than you and you're jealous. Suck it up
How would you feel if someone better than you at mixing posted a thread like you did, only about your shitty recordings? This guy gets more business than you and you're jealous. Suck it up

I really dont think he made this thread because he is jealous of a dude's shitty recordings.

I think he just wanted to make sure that they are shit and get opinions from people who actually know what they are talking about and not bands looking for a good deal.

and to the OP, just keep doing you and put 100% into everything.
I was in a similar position and I just kept improving my mixes as much as I could and I slowly stole the "shitty" studio's clients (not to sound like a dick)

I guess what I'm trying to say my mixes were improving and their's werent and bands noticed it, regardless of rates.
Dont give them any reason to choose his shitty recordings over your's even if you charge $200 per song and his are $50, what matters is the end product and make it worth the money

EDIT: This is kinda OT, but I have noticed bands paying thousands upon thousands of dollars for shit recordings because they are always under the impression that they are paying for "quality".

So dont lower your rates just to try to compete with this dude.
what the op is doing is seriously unprofessional
what this entire thread is doing is laughing at someone elses expense, and it seems to me to be unprovoked.

If the bad engineer was trash talking you on forums then go right ahead and fight back. But dont just insult people because you may be better than them.

That is incredibly immature, unprofessional and all it does is make small men feel big

I'm not trying to start any kind of shit but every local band from my area are going to this dude and are coming out with the exact same production which I'm not too keen on.

So he is trying to figure out why bands are going to this guy who does the same mix over and over while not starting shit and thats unprofessional? to try to figure out why the competition is getting the bands he thinks he should get? Sounds more like a business strategy to me and I dont know whats wrong with that.

Need some fresh ears and opinions

So to him it sounds bad, but who knows sometimes what sounds bad to me sounds good to others. So I am going to assume that Setyouranchor knows this and wants to know what other AE think.

sure some of the comments are a little mean and harsh but tbh it seems more like you are the dude starting shit.

(sorry have had a bad night and I'm just in a heated mood, so dont take what I'm saying the wrong way)
Anyway, this guy's rates are $50 per song or $90 a day?
so he estimates a song would take a little more than half a day to track, mix and master a song? o.O
I'm the villian
Have fun being bitches

thanks duder! :goggly:

but to be honest man, is Gav going to lose business because of what has been said in this thread? Are bands going to see this thread and say, fuck I recorded with that guy, better not do that again. If anything, he maybe will fall upon this thread read some of the opinions about his productions, take them into consideration and maybe improve his work in those areas.

just sayin
I have a similar situation. And in no way mean to post this to talk shit or anything. But there is a guy that is out here in Sacramento that everybody seems to worship- he has a pretty large portfolio for how long he's been in the game. We were friends at some point, but when I started getting into recording it was as if he got competitive and weird with me- we have totally different opinions on how things should be mixed and I even "helped" his band track drums. When I noticed he was using a wide Q to scoop the shit out of the toms I tried to put it the nicest way possible that I honestly thought it sounded like shit and that he should try other I guess equalizing methods? That was over a year ago and I have yet since spoken to him. I just honestly don't like the way he processes the drums and mixes his guitars and everything else... and can't really understand why so many people go to him- I can't put my finger on any specific thing. I want to know what you guys think. I respect the fact that he's got business coming in- obviously he's doing something right... He's got solid workflow- but I have heard mixed from you guys on here with hardly anything to work with and it blows my mind... I guess I'm saying that if I had the opportunity he has, I would take a completely different approach to some of the bands on his page. I am like the only one in my area who seems to disagree with everything he does.

here is his band that he plays drums in that I pressed the record button for lol

when I said "the toms sound like they are their own separate instrument compared to the drums" I got a dirty look.

I'm just trying to understand if I'm missing something here...

btw sorry to hijack

I think that guys shit is pretty on point. yea I can see your problem with the toms being eq'd funny. but I hear lots of big CDs with toms like that so I can see why he would do it.

Personally I think that guys needs to work on his tom panning more than eq'ing.

but this is all a matter of my opinion.
(and listening to the shitty myspace player isnt ideal)
Yeah I don't think I sounds terrible or anything. It's the rates that bother me I guess. I got a cocky vibe from him once I started getting into recording, which I don't understand why- the guy's doing way better than me client-wise... I guess I just expect more with those rates and the fact he has a controlled environment to record bands. And we have all come across shitty bands with shitty equipment that take all our effort in an attempt to make sound tolerable. But this guy gets very talented musicians with top-notch music equipment at their disposal and you A/B both types of bands he's done and it's kind of this general mediocre sound. He's been doing it years longer than me and his mixes really haven't really improved. I don't know. He has business. People like how it sounds- I'll leave it at that because perception IS reality. Guess I was looking of a back-pat and a "You're not crazy, bud" hahahahaha fml :zzz: