Is it natural to be gay?

Don Corleone said:
yeah pete lesbos are fun to watch but stop to think for a second: they are actually a great threat, right? like, they are openly saying they dont need us!

bi-sexual women are the way forward, though.
Im with you 100% on the bi thing. :dopey:
All animal species do homo sex, be it lesbian or gay. Romans used to, Greeks used to, african tribes do... mustn't be abnormal then !
i guess im what you wall a 'bi' ( if anyone can suggest me another way to say this is welcome since i dont like this label at all ) i do girls and boys and ive never felt confused, it all natural to me, just like one day you'll fancy a strawsberry cake and the day after an apple pie : theres nothing to wonder about. :)

@don : what do you mean when u say being bi is the way forward? because then you're not entirely neglected? is that what you meant?:)
Ah oki :) and why would you like to date a bee girl that much, do you think it would be different than dating a straight one? or is it about the 2-girls-together fantasy?
no offense ok:) just trying to understand :)