is it true...

LOL @ Harvester Of Sorrow.....

I just dont give a fuckin shit about that. I dont care if Alexi and his wife split.... It would be worst for me if COB splits up.... or Alexi dies... [It would be a lil hard to see them in concert or to spect a new album if so....]
From what I heard Alexi said (in a German magazine) that he will stay in Sinergy. So nothing has changed in the band and everything else isn't our fucking business so there's no need to talk about it.
Alexi told in an interview just after polsih Mystic Festival, where sinergy showed themselfes that the yarent together now. Seach the couple of posts belov, to find my topic with that interviev, or jump to sinergy forum and check the topic called "Heppy birthsday Kim"
Its a pitty that they arent together, but its true. At least Alexi told that.
Originally posted by ~Rappion Lapsi~
Have you ever tought what they will do to their snake tattoos if they are divorced :rolleyes: