Is JOEY BELLADONNA In Talks To Rejoin ANTHRAX In Time For 'Big Four' Dates?

I never cared for Joey's voice. Don't get me wrong, the music from that era rules...just can't stand the vocals. John Bush is at least 50% of the reason why I'm an Anthrax fan. You take that 50% away and add a singer that I completely cannot stand, that takes away from the remaining 50%. I was really looking forward to them moving forward with John. I really hope this is just a bullshit rumor.

Quoting 'cuz it echoes 100% what I think...
They just expanded their tour date schedule for Europe. Doesn't bode well for Bush fans unless he agreed to more. And since they haven't debunked the Joey rumor, this looks terrible to me. SHITSHITSHIT.
Anthrax tried I guess. We cant' say they didn't. They were kissing John's ass hard - I know they sincerely wanted him back in the band. Ultimately he just didn't want to rejoin I guess. Funnily enough they're never going to be able to tell the John Bush fans how much they wanted this to happen - because any way they word that statement will make it look like Joey is back by default and piss him off. So they're going to have to flat out lie and talk about how they were meant to be with Joey, even though they clearly can't stand him and just said as recent as a month ago that reuniting with him was a bad idea.
Unfortunatly this has probably got to be true, because why wouldn't someone just come out and say "what? Joey back? That's absurd" if there was no truth to it whatsoever. It's not like it would affect anything at all if they did. And if they have to wait to make an official announcement, it means there's truth and they are busy working on an official announcement. This fucking blows. Biggest disappointment this year so far.

They went from having a new singer and new album, playing songs from the entire back catalog, ready to move forward (I was ready to give that a chance, even though without John I knew I wouldn't like it as much) hyping up the possible return of John, ready to move forward as they should have all now....having Joey and moving in reverse again. Limited to the 8 years of songs from when Joey was singer. Nostalgiathrax.
Would be nice if we could rely on for news on whats going on instead of nothing all the time.

They updated the tour dates. But I for one wouldn't buy a ticket until I knew that John was singing.

But yeah - remember when the band actually cared about their fans and made regular Alpha Mail's and Blast Beats informing them of what's actually going on with the band? Those were the days.

Chill the fuck ass out. I really dig Bush era thrax, but I also dig Joey fronted thrax. That was my first introduction to Anthrax, POT. And then I went backward and dug it all. Especially atl and STD. So what if they play some gigs with Joey? I just might go. He's a great singer.
I dig the music they did with Joey but not the voice. Period. John can sing the songs better with more energy and sound heavier. It's a better fit for the band. Going out on tour with Joey Belladonna on vocals instead of John Bush is like going out with Lars Ulrich on drums instead of Charlie Benante.

What's wrong with doing gigs with Joey is that it means John is out. And that's fucking terrible. I understand that if it's true, John most likely left them with no choice...but it still fucking blows. It's the difference between moving forward as a band and moving backwards as a nostalgia act. And they already did shows with Joey in 2005/2006...and it sucked then, so it most definitely will suck now.

They need to just release Worship Music as-is and call this a farewell tour if that's the case.

The only way this would be remotely cool is if it's a tour with both singers. I know they tried it twice and it failed both times - but I don't mean together. Maybe John is doing the handful of dates that he has agreed to, and Joey is doing the remainder of the tour. And they'd still move forward with John. But I seriously doubt that.
I've said it before (and got canned for it) and I'll say it again....

Jesus I wish things worked out with Dan Nelson.
I've said it before (and got canned for it) and I'll say it again....

Jesus I wish things worked out with Dan Nelson.

Certainly would be better than going "hot tub time machine" with Joey Belladonna again.

I'd prefer things with John Bush to work out way more than the other two scenarios...but moving forward with a new guy (Dan Nelson being that guy most recently)...moving FORWARD period makes way more sense to me than nostalgia reunion tours.
Yes Deege that was my point re Dan N. It was so exciting with him in the band. They played ALL eras of Anthrax and were moving FORWARDS with some great new stuff on its way in W.M. Then Bush is back (ok.... great, he was the band's best singer yes, but doesn't seem to want to commit fully etc which is a big downer), and now this Joey talk again. I just hope it's talk. Just wish Scott or someone would give some info, as I'm sick of hearing about ultimatebet!!! Like someone else said we used to get updates, and now all we hear is anything BUT Anthrax. It's pretty hard believing Anthrax is a priority these days.
"Certainly would be better than going "hot tub time machine" with Joey Belladonna again."

LOL. Here we go again. If Joey comes back, I am done with this band. Done. John probably has 'em by the nuts, and Joey is probably looking to raise his profile. John wants creative control over the WM album, if he's to sing on it....and Joey just wants.....well who knows? We all know, he had about 0 creative input on the discs he was part of. So I guess he's looking for a paycheck.

This band does nothing but piss off its (Shrinking) fan base.

Why?????? Get me a Blatz.
i guess ya gotta do, whatcha gotta do. But if these are the golden, end years of Anthrax I would have preferred for them to go out on a high note. After all the begging and planning they did to get Bush back I can not frakking believe they're going with Joey again. It just sucks. And yes I wish they had Nelson anyday over going back to being a nostalgia act.



John Bush is a full blown Peckerhead in real life

and Yes folks, I am speaking from experience...