Is Melodic Death dying?

Guardian of Darkness said:
Arghoslent are wonderful.
They kick ass! I guess you can consider them melodic death metal, though they sound nothing like what most people consider melodic death. I also sometimes even hear some thrash and punkish overtones in their music. Great band. Anyways, yeah, there are almost no new melodic dm bands, and very few veteran acts still playing melodic dm, like Dark Tranquillity and Arch Enemy. I do like good melodic dm, like Dark Tranquillity, Arch Enemy, and Dissection.
The genre just needs another Jester Race or Damage Done. I was really liking the sound. Catchy Maiden-style guitars in a different scale with folkish melodies and death grunts, raspy shouts, and awesome clean vocals.

And a lot of it did sound like death metal.

When I got into it, I thought it was the greatest thing in the world.

Recently, it's all about either ripping off Opeth or At The Gates or filling up the music with synthesizers or orchestral arrangements. I tell you what, if my band was halfway decent, we'd revitalize the scene. We started out using Metallica/Maiden as a base instead of Slayer/ATG. We're also part funk. We don't fuck around with synths or acoustic guitars. I can growl like all hell, but my singing voice is better, and no one's truly explored it with my kind of range. A lot off things haven't been done. I'm just sad that I won't be the one to do them...
Wow, I can't believe that they played Arghoslent on the radio somewhere. They are very underground. Incorrigible Bigortry is my favorite CD or theirs too, then Arsenal of Glory, then Galloping Through the Battle Ruins.
Life Sucks said:
Wow, I can't believe that they played Arghoslent on the radio somewhere. They are very underground. Incorrigible Bigortry is my favorite CD or theirs too, then Arsenal of Glory, then Galloping Through the Battle Ruins.

It was just a local radio show (which no longer exists).

Before Internet was so well known, local radio shows were the best way to discover new bands. Nowadays I think people are less interested in it and it's sad.
I just downloaded that argholast album, and damn it I love it. Why arent these guys more popular? I am looking at the title of the songs, and i am guesing they are nazis- is this the reason they are still left in th dark?
speed said:
I just downloaded that argholast album, and damn it I love it. Why arent these guys more popular? I am looking at the title of the songs, and i am guesing they are nazis- is this the reason they are still left in th dark?
Yeah, they are.
I have never been into the genre very much myself... I am a fan of At The Gates, Vehemence, early-to-mid In Flames (everything before Clayman, though Clayman is not too terrible,) and Dark Tranquility... I could name a plethora of others, but they would all be mediocre at best.
And Maiden slays any Melodic Death band in existance... Comparing MD to Maiden is giving the genre a little too much credit... none of those bands will be here 30 years down the line.
Demiurge said:
The Gothenburg bands are redundant and boring. Whee! Iron Maiden with laryngitis!

God am I sick of you and all the clones like you. I guess that shows your lack of familiarity with the subject. The subject being melodic death, music in general, or thinking itself. Since I am well aware of the fundamental aspects of music(rhythm, melody, harmony), I would be glad to inform you of them. I will not insult you by further defining these. [sarcasm]Since you are obviously a well-informed critic of music[/sarcasm], I will assume you know what they are. You see that melody is one of the three structural components?
Which doesn't make it "Gaythenburg music", just music in itself.
The melody in most melodic death is so far from that of Maiden mainly due to rhythm. I explained this more in detail under a previous post within this thread. Check that out. I think you will enjoy my Freddy mercury analogy. Most metal does show its limitation of harmonic knowledge by the overuse of two voice parallel harmony; such as power chords and major/minor thirds(as of late). But comparing melodeath to maiden based on the trite overuse of parallel thirds is very similar to comparing death metal to hardcore because of power chords.
Try listening to the style you criticize, and the bands that it consists of sometime. You may also benefit from actually listening to the utter tripe that seems to leak out of your vomit hole at periodic intervals. Surely you would realize how rediculous you are. Try thinking sometime. I know this is a lot to ask from most people(especially elitist assholes like you). Trust me thinking doesn't have to be the arduous task that you have made it appear to be. Until then you can be yet another blind follower of and/or misread Nietzsche to justify your inconvenient(to us) existence.