Nile's style dying or still strong?

Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease

I will put an ending post in and npearce, you think maybe you could stop making comments about length of posts and grammer? its not the first time I've had comments from you.

Jeez. I didn't mean to make you go cry to mommy . . .

Maybe someday you'll be lucky enough to understand sarcasm and humor.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
If I was just to put a CD in my player and listen to it and enjoy it I would be one dimensional, unluckily for you I'm not, it appears you had nothing of intrest to add to the topic so why did you bother posting xenophobe?

Well, because I just don't get it. I've been a musician for more than half of my life... I don't dissect, analyze or rate what I listen to. I'm a fan of metal... plain and simple.

Sounds like you're only a fan of metal if it fits into what you think are the popular trends... who cares if a certain band is 'behind the times' or 'outdated' or whatever, but then you go on to say Maiden is timeless... Okay, you know how silly you sound, don't you?

Sorry to ruin your day. Just expressing my opinions. Guess when you hear an opinion you're not satisfied with you just decide to end the conversation, call people selfish and ignorant and call it a day.

Jeez... I like Six Feet Under too, and they're repetitive, lacking technicality, and are for the most part, unorignal... I still like them. Guess you wouldn't because you're so sophisticated and trend-orineted? But then, if you were a FAN and not some Metal Doctor, you'd realize there's more to music than breaking down the pieces and analyzing what you don't think is worthy.
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
Well this topic is over, I refuse to talk to people who are going to be hostile, ignorant, selfish and just plain rude.
When you act like real metallers I will come back and talk to you, I opened this post up to every one and to keep the Iced Earth one on topic and some of you have just ruined it! All I can say is Nile fans or not you should be ashamed of yourself's, your a let down to music and the website.
On the other hand thank you to all who have responded in a mature way to the topic, it has be very challenging and some excellent comments have been put forward, which is what this board is about. Sorry I'm going to cut this one short, but ignorance is one thing I cannot stand specialy from people who claim to be metallers!
I will put an ending post in and npearce, you think maybe you could stop making comments about length of posts and grammer? its not the first time I've had comments from you.
Any way an ending statement is called for so here goes,
yes I did know Nile have three vocalists, hence why I always said "vocalists" read the posts more carefully before making such foolish and ignorant posts. If I was just to put a CD in my player and listen to it and enjoy it I would be one dimensional, unluckily for you I'm not, it appears you had nothing of intrest to add to the topic so why did you bother posting xenophobe? I like to break music down, I'm a musician I have to break my own music down and find the faults and I like to do it with other music because a lot of bands like feedback about people opinions specialy their fans. Nephren-Ka excellent point about people liking just brutal music, and yes there are I used to be one of them. Only since I became a vocalist, I changed around a little, I became a lot wiser to the faults with music, and became very bored with some bands as I discovered newer ones. I used to be a brutal vocalist, I still do use brutality just not in the sense that bands like Incantation, Nile, Mortician etc do. My earlier vocals were heavily Will Rahmer infulenced from his days with Incantation, but as I became bored with one tone vocals, so did a lot of others, I was getting feed back about lack of variation, tone, pronouciation of lyrics etc. One thing I don't like about extremely brutal bands is the continuous repeating riffs on the guitar and contiueous use of blast beats on the drums. This is why I listen to a lot of other bands out side the brutal range because their guitar playing is just so much better. They don't play the same riff over and over with an odd change, I mean look at Opeth they can play 10minute long songs and keep the whole song fresh, using huge amounts of variation in vocals, speed, switching from acoustic to heavy guitar playing natrualy, it makes the music more of an art. Its the same with a lot of black metal I used to like to its morely down to my tastes but i find a lot of people share my opinion, since I heard the atmosphereic, artful and pure breath taking music of Summoning I fastly became bored with bands like Emperor, Darkthrone, Dark Funeral etc. I found myself seeking more music to the quality of Summoning, but still listened to the likes of Mayhem for a change. To me there is just so much better out there than Nile, bands like Bolt Thrower for example they are more brutal than Nile, but use the same sort of vocals. This is all about opinion, opinions is what make us who we are and build our character and tastes in music, shame some of you made this so personal I would have liked to continue this because there was some excellent points made oh well thats the ignorance of the world for you.

haha...i just read the first sentance and stopped. fine with me.:p
Originally posted by Nocturnal Emperor
i agree with Terminal Spirit Disease but you say that opeth keep their music interesting by changing guitars etc but the then go on to say you gte bored of emperor please expalin that.

Me personally, I lost interest in Opeth after Morningrise.

The whole acoustics, heavy, acoustics, heavy, acoustics, heavy thing worked perfectly for the first two albums, then they changed styles and became dull. Just my opinion. :)
Very intresting, good to see most of you have taken a more mature approach now.

Failing couldn't really care there was no need for you to post that at all. npearce sorry if I did not see the humor in your post in which I take back what I said.
No I don't follow trends quite the opposite which is why I'm not a Nile fan, not saying it is trendy to like them but they are one of the most talked about death metal bands I hear about in a day. I break the music down because I review it, may seem pointless to some but to others they enjoy reading what I write. xenophobe it wasn't your opinion I had a problem with it was the way you said it, you used hostility and ignorance where there was no need for it. I have no problems with your opinions, I would have been happy to explain if you didn't post it in the manner you did.

Any way back onto the subject in hand, as most seem to forget I have stated I don't hate Nile and I liked their first two releases, but felt they were very overrated for what they were. Specialy their drummer I mean 17bps is very impressive, I could never play that fast but to me he lacks a lot of technicality through blasting a lot of the time. I hear people say day in day out he is the best drummer in the world, fair enough to Nile fans he maybe, to me there is a lot better. Gonna go back on some thing I said actually musicly wise there is a lot of bands who sound like Nile, specialy vocal wise. I just can't stand to listen through a whole Nile album any more after hearing bands who can play twice as good and produce much better music, for some reason I just can't get back into them. Iron Maiden to me is endless I can listen to 5-6 Maiden albums in a row before I get bored, because I myself have never really heard any one who is the same as them. Nile have their unique traits to, but to me those traits are wearing very thin. As I stated before if Nile make it past 4 albums without really changing then I will be very surprised.
I got bored with Emperor after hearing Summoning, the quality of Summoning is just so much better than later Emperor and I couldn't get back into Emperor after hearing bands like of that quality. Although older Emperor I still like even though most say their later stuff is much better, I would have to disagree on that one. Dreamlord you say Opeth changed styles hmmm I dunno about that to me they did have a slight change but nothing major, Blackwater Park was the same standards as Morningrise in my opinion any way.

Thanks to some of you for being more mature now starting to turn into a good topic.
sorry for the long post again npearce :lol:
While Nile's vocals aren't exactly the most original thing under the sun however, their unique blend of egyptian melodies and death metal is. Correct me if I'm wrong there could be a band out there that did it way before Nile. As for Nile being overrated...ehh I do feel like some people may hype them a huge deal but they're extremely talented..In Their Darkened Shrines is one of the best albums of this year. I cannot see at all how you couldn't see them as brutal..but to each his own.
Terminal Spirit Disease: I don't have a problem with long posts. I was just messing with everybody.

My problem with your opinion is the way you say things like "After hearing somthing the quality of Summoning, I couldn't listen to Emperor any more." Well in my mind, I've never heard an album that could top the pure genius of 'Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk'. That album has so much going on musically, but yet each song is arranged carefully and very specifically. Nile does that as well with their song writing. To hear you say some of the things you have said about Nile, I can't understand how you gauge "quality". Is it simply by your own opinions? If so, what's the point of all this. Do you hope to sway some of us to your side?

In my mind Today is the Day 'Sadness will Prevail' is BY FAR the most brilliant piece of art/music produced in 2002. It is very complex and extremely thought out and precise. However, Watchmaker 'Kill.Crush.Destroy.' is an album that (in my mind) is a close second. Watchmaker is not complex and they are not a thinking man's band. Somehow, both these albums/styles can be VERY intersting to me. Thus, they are both high quality albums.

Once again . . . how do you judge quality. I don't understand your reasoning.
I got a few things to say.. but first...

I mean 17bps is very impressive

SEVENTEEN BEATS PER SECOND?! Please, tell me you're exaggerating. That's absolutly insanity.. that's over 1000 beats per minute...

Anyway, I'd like to say, Nile is just about the only br00tal band I like, and that's mostly because they manage to intertwine a certain melody and coherence to their music. I mean... listen to Unas, Slayer of the Gods.. that song has a certain melody and catchiness I cannot deny... and it goes on for 11 minutes, not boring for a second of it, at least to me. About the vocalists, I can definitely tell the difference between the three. The only one I really don't like is the ultra super deep ass growl one---I always picture that one to be Sanders, correct me if I'm wrong---as it's totally incoherent and never really matches the music. But overall, I find Nile to be highly entertaining. Plus, their Egyptian imaqe just sexes me. I've always loved Egypt.
Terminal Spirit Disease, The reason I'm being sarcastic and inflammatory is because you're having a hard time distinguisihing fact from opinion... you'll say one thing as opinion, then your next opinion will be stated as fact.

I'm not picking apart your posts, but you state " can play twice as good and produce much better music", in what seems to be a comparison between Nile an Maiden?!?!?!

I'd be willing to bet Nile could play any Maiden tune, but I seriously doubt Maiden would be able to play any Nile. Would I want either of them to? Of course not. I like them both as bands, composers and musicians.

How can you even realistically make the comparison between the two? They're two completely different genre's in two completely different eras. The only thing similar about them is that you can go to a music store and buy them in CD format.

Wow, would you like to tell me how much Peter Gabriel is better than than Diana Krall?

Who's better a Vascular Neuro-Surgeon or a Theoretical Physicist? You're just being silly I tell you, and I being silly? Ah... true enlightenment.
Originally posted by FailingAcension
Hey Dreamlord, out of curiosity, were you at Cardi's for the last Nile show? :)

If you're referring to the Nle/Arch Enemy show, no I wasn't. I went to see the show in Austin.

However, I will be at the Houston show in January with Nile/Voivod/SYL/Napalm Death
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease

I got bored with Emperor after hearing Summoning, the quality of Summoning is just so much better than later Emperor and I couldn't get back into Emperor after hearing bands like of that quality. Although older Emperor I still like even though most say their later stuff is much better, I would have to disagree on that one. Dreamlord you say Opeth changed styles hmmm I dunno about that to me they did have a slight change but nothing major, Blackwater Park was the same standards as Morningrise in my opinion any way.

I agree about Summoning. That is great music. I would rather listen to Summoning than Emperor nowadays, but back in the day there was no way. I guess I'm getting soft in my old age. Although, Anthems... still is played often.

About Opeth. THe Opeth camp is somewhat divided. Some like the first two, some only lie the last three and some like all of them. I'm in the camp of only liking the first two albums. I liked the mishmash of different riffs coming together as one. When MAYH came out, it sounded like Opeth just wanted to stiff to a main riff in each song, which I found somewhat boring. Needless to say, there is a lot of other stuff coming out this year that I am anticipating more than Deliverance.
Originally posted by Schraiber

SEVENTEEN BEATS PER SECOND?! Please, tell me you're exaggerating. That's absolutly insanity.. that's over 1000 beats per minute...

I know this is really sad, but I'm working from home these days and I have the tv on. Anyway, on the Wayne Brady show, they brought out some drummer trying to beat a world record and they gave him a small drum pad hooked up to a beat counter.

The guy hit 1054 beats in one minute. It was remarkable - and when you see the drumming, you'll notice that he's almost shaking or 'twitching' the drum sticks. He looked like a machine on hyperdrive.

Heh, the things you see on daytime tv in the grand ol' USA...heheheheh.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
If you're referring to the Nle/Arch Enemy show, no I wasn't. I went to see the show in Austin.

However, I will be at the Houston show in January with Nile/Voivod/SYL/Napalm Death

I'll be there too.
Originally posted by Schraiber
I got a few things to say.. but first...

SEVENTEEN BEATS PER SECOND?! Please, tell me you're exaggerating. That's absolutly insanity.. that's over 1000 beats per minute...

its not that hard to get 1000 bpm.... I've heard plenty faster...:)
Originally posted by FailingAcension
I'll be there too.

Cool. I'm sure we'll talk before January, but in case we don't, look for a really tall guy that looks like he has no business being there. THats me! :)