is mikael sick and tired of music....

veil the sky

Lexicon V
Nov 22, 2001
Guildford UK
wow. read this interview with mikael

and this excerpt:

M: I explained this in a previous question. I've had too big a dose from it and the recording was so utterly unpleasant that I'm just a ghost of what I used to be. I'm sick ‘n tired of music! I know it's great, but I can't listen to it right now.

i don't know how much of this is euphemysm, but he's sounding really beaten by the whole music biz at the mo! i hope it doesn't affect his creativity!
I take that one line in context with the entire interview, and read it as someone just tired of the recording process they just went through.

It sounds like Mikael is a musician, not into the corporate side of the music business.
Recording is a tedious process.

I imagine it must be especially difficult for Opeth, who have complex song structures that are written by one band member and that are hardly rehearsed by the whole band more than a few times.

Mr. Akerfeldt is suffering from being subjected to something for so long that he is sick of it.

But I bet he's REAL proud of it, anyway.
I think when you make something, you work on it so much and this was an unusually large project.. you usually come out of the process hating it and everything to do with it for a while. Don't read too much into it.
No, I think you're all wrong. Mike's really sick and tired and this [along with Damnation] will be his [Opeth's] final release. After that, he'll retreat to a cabin in some well-forested area of the world, making mailbombs.

Meh. It's common sense.
Sending mail bombs? OK

Quiting Opeth? Not ok. Get your ass back into the studio bitch! =)

Sorry, Opeth is my favorite band of all time (even more than the band which got me into music... dont ask).
Originally posted by veil the sky
wow. read this interview with mikael

and this excerpt:

M: I explained this in a previous question. I've had too big a dose from it and the recording was so utterly unpleasant that I'm just a ghost of what I used to be. I'm sick ‘n tired of music! I know it's great, but I can't listen to it right now.

i don't know how much of this is euphemysm, but he's sounding really beaten by the whole music biz at the mo! i hope it doesn't affect his creativity!
Heres what i want you to do. Get up today and play your favourite Opeth song, then play it again, then play it again, then play it again, then play it again. In fact play it the entire day without stop, then the next day. And then when thats done do the same for another song, repeat for 2 months.

You think after that you're gonna say "gee i really feel like listening to some music now".

Add on the fact that he's not just listening to the songs, he's ripping them to shreds, hearing it all in a jumbled mess, hearing little parts over and over and over, teaching the song to other band members, listening to it as its being mixed to make sure its all sounding good, continually analysing. Barely ever just listening to the song for enjoyment (ALWAYS analysing something... "does the new part work", "is anything missing", etc etc).

This is what recording is like, and Mikael is no special case, a special case would be someone who came out NOT sick of music. It takes a few weeks of relaxing to get past that stage, and these interviews were done just after he'd finished, and i believe he even had more to go at this stage (vocals for damnation) which wouldnt allow him to move into relax mode yet.

Just like everyone else, after a few weeks rest from the whole recording process he will be able to again just listen to music and enjoy it, and just play guitar, and whatever. Nothing to worry about.
i do know that this is how recording is.

and i absulotely love it! :) seriously!

maybe i'm just some sound recording geek, but it reminds me of what dan swano said just before he quit recording.

but i don't seriously think that mike has blown out completely. i'm not having a moan at him or anything, but i thought it was interesting to see and well worth sharing. i'd still trade places any day though.
Yes, im sure Mikael hates music now. He will probably never listen to his or anyone elses albums again...and if he ever comes across music being played in public...he will cut his ears off with a rusty spoon.

:rolleyes: yea buddy.