Is Nevermore going to find another label?


Nov 19, 2001
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After hearing about the cancellation of the Warped tour, I wondered when the hell Nevermore will find another label. Century Media is screwing them over in the States, I've seen not one bit of publicity from them. And to cancel a tour that Century Media booked is simple abominable. I a future cheap lawyer, would like to read this contract between Nevermore and Century Media. I'd just like to know how this tour scheduling works- does Century Media owe Nevermore the necessary support to put on a tour, especially a tour century media booked? Does anyone know if Nevermore complete their contract after this next album?
maybe Nevermore pulled out for their own reasons, the press release didn't really say.

And they just signed a new contract with CM, so I don't think a new label will be coming in the forseeable future.

As much as everyone bitches about CM, there isn't a better metal label in the US. At least CM has enough distribution to get their CDs into the local record stores.
Megadeth signed to Sanctuary, which yes, is an excellent metal label from what i hear. Henry Rollins is also signed to it and i have read many interviews where he has nothing but good things to say about them. Also, i believe that is IE's goal to get signed to Sanctuary.
Problem is, Sanctuary isn't really underground like century media per-se 'cause i don't think they are going to sign IE, which is arguably the most popular of underground bands.

It would be cool to have both IE and Nevermore on Sanctuary, maybe that way a label that doesn't blow nuts could get 'em some proper promotion and maybe a tour together. :grin:

I think both nevermore and IE could take off if given proper promotion, i mean u can't tell me that the Heart Collector couldn't do well on the radio. Anyway, my label ranting is done....for now :mad:
well, from what I understand Sanctuary isn't any better than CM. Overkill left 'em 'cause they weren't promoted, and Anthrax left before they even did one album with them. There's also Roadrunner, Metal Blade, and Relapse, which are all about in the same ballpark. Problem with labels is, the ones that promote the bands can't afford to give 'em squat for their CDs, and the ones that give good royalty rates can't afford to promote properly.