Is Projector Worth buying

AllWithinMyMonster said:
I bought damage done. Its not bad. But nothing great. I wouldnt buy another cd by dt if this is all they have to offer. Is projector a better cd? I hear the lyrics are clean. And that my friend is a good thing. Input plz?
My first album was also Damage Done. Not bad, but not mind-blowing either.

Eventually I decided to get another album by DT, and bought Projector.

And f**k! It blows Damage Done out of the water in terms of overall quality.

Damage Done has a few killer songs, but the rest is too anonymous for me.

I see Projector as a "whole". The clean vocals add a bit variety too.

For me, Projector > Damage Done.
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to rahvin again."

I don't spread rep around much, but what you said of
p2p would deserve about 100 points :)

Of downloading I can say this, it's great to sample
bands, if it wasn't for downloading or whatever, I would
never have heard of Faerghail (thanks Opi :) )
and when I ordered their MCD and the first CD it was
all due to the MP3 I got and I even told that to their
record company when I ordered them :)

As far as I am concerned RIAA and their european
counterparts can suck my dick, what they are doing is
supposed to be for the artists benefit, but it's quite
the opposite.
I have bought about 200 CDs since I came to UM and
most have been due to getting a sample MP3 from
somewhere or having heard the band elsewhere before
buying them, if I didn't have the possibility to get
sample, I wouldn't buy music.period.
Northern Lights said:
As for downloading; with my lovely :rolleyes: 56k modem and my limited internet access, it really isn't such a good idea to download whole albums - one song takes me about 20-30 minutes usually. The albums I have as mp3s are usually presents from friends with better connections than what I have, but I don't like asking them to get me stuff. So if I want an album it really makes no difference if I buy it or download it, I'll have to pay either way... [...] except my record collection is smaller than I'd like it to be... [...]
same here :wave: :cry: :waah: :p
"Projector" is on the more tranquil side of Dark Tranquillity. If you are into clean lyrics, it is a must buy, along with the album "Haven". I would recommend all of the new DT albums for you, excluding the "Skydancer/of Chaos and Eternal Night" US reissue. :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
is DD like the most unpopular album or something?
i haven't heard it all, but i think it's fucking fantastic
i'm listening to the treason wall right now and i still feel like i'm gonna cream my pants whenever i hear it
imho, "Projector" is DT finest output
sure I had to get adjusted to it, but it's surely in the line of progression which all the prior albums showed

as various people already pointed out, it's more tranquil, includes various killer clean vocals
concerning the stretching of musical boundaries "Projector" is right up there, DT's finest hour

unfortunately the band decided to cut the clean vocals and returned to a somewhat more constrained song writing on "Haven"
as this album lacks the progression and the variation between songs of the previous albums I'm sorry to say that I still regret having bought "Haven" to this day
but that's just my opinion folks!
If you ask me every DT album is worth every penny.
Projector is definitely a good album, if you want something different from Damage Done you should give it a try
I bought Damage Done after hearing Final Resistance roughly 6 months ago. I listened to it in the car a few times and have went through the ablum a few times at home and thought it was rather mediocre. Today, however, I have been rather moody and anxious (freshman in college friday... can't wait to see a friend that went up for orientation saturday), and I listened to Damage Done three times today and loved each successive listen. I can't really pinpoint the exact feeling of most of the songs, but I think the songs have a great soothing capacity. It did a hell lot more for calming my mind than Opeth or Devin Townsend solo projects (usually what I use if I am feeling tense as musical entertainment). I think I am going to buy Projector before I leave though, as I really REALLY loved the clean vocals towards the end of Haven (is that what the vocals on Projector are like?)
