Is the 20 inch Imac screen crap?


Dec 11, 2002
I was kind of interested in getting a new imac and would really rather buy the 20 inch one. The problem is everyone I see on display has a horrible looking screen. The 24 inch always looks sharp and crisp and the 20 looks like the cheapest emachines flat panel. Could it be a badscreen for the 20 or is there a secret to dialing it in?
The screen on my 20" iMac is Awesome. I've had no issues, and did nothing to "dial it in". Dude, just go to the Mac Store to check it out. That is where you should be buying anything/everything Mac related anyway. And don't forget to pick up that Apple Care Plan for it.
+1 Mine is the XT.

I think a lot of people's BS about iMac screens is that they aren't setting them up right. I think people are tilting the damn things so that they are not facing them the way they should. It's a flat screen. When you tilt it up and down, it's going to look different. It even tells you in the setup instructions to have the top-dead-center point of the screen creating a straight line to your eyes. In the case of a lot of guys who have their screens on high desks, that means you have to tilt the monitor downwards. If you do that, the resolution is perfect.
The 20inch imac seems to have a shitty display (it's a 6bit display so it doesn't show 16milion colours)....but I checked it in a mac shop and it was cool, very defined...the only issue I've found was the glass because the lights reflects on it and sometime it's a problem
The 20inch imac seems to have a shitty display (it's a 6bit display so it doesn't show 16milion colours)....but I checked it in a mac shop and it was cool, very defined...the only issue I've found was the glass because the lights reflects on it and sometime it's a problem

Where does this "6-bit" come from? Mine says 32-bit.
No....they are not those "bit" :) I found these informations reading the imac 20" reviews and in some specific discussions. I don't know what these 6/8 bit should be...probably the technology used....20" is 6bit and 24" is 8bit...but when I checked the 20" I found it very very very good.
So.......I don't know...probably they are the typical problems finded by fanatics
Well, if one of you other chaps feels like taking the crash-course to math godliness just to check on me you're more than welcome to do so.

But I'm as honest as I can be when I don't know things, for what that's worth - granted, it's not often so many haven't seen it, but it still happens every once in a while...

you are def. a well of knowledge for ur age bro!

p.s not saying ur full of shit... or taking a stab at ur intelligence, or saying you claim to know things u don`t. just a theory ive been thinking of lately. i think maybe some of the more intelligent pillars of our society maybe building theories on facts they don`t really understand. what do u think jbroll?
Politicians are made of lies, but science is as awesome as it is because everyone gets called out on everything. Having competition and direct, informed criticism is essential to progress, and generally where you find of less of that you find more bullshit - politics, religion, 'alternative' medicine, 2012 cults, Harmony Central... you get the picture.

It would be really cool to have more electronics, math, and physics nerds around here - that's why I constantly offer help and sneakily educate wherever and whenever possible.
