Is the Metal Pack a good move for the XT?


Absolution of Humanity
Aug 11, 2008
Costa Rica
I need opinions about this "extra" for the POD XT

You guys think this is worth it (money wise/sound wise)?

Can you really get a decent distortion out of this?

Thanks a lot and have a great week.

Cheers :kickass:
I need opinions about this "extra" for the POD XT

You guys think this is worth it (money wise/sound wise)?

Can you really get a decent distortion out of this?

Thanks a lot and have a great week.

Cheers :kickass:

If you play mostly Metal ..... the Metal pack is a must have. I've made over 200 patches for people... and 90% of the patches use the metal pack! :headbang:
I think 90% of the models that come with it are horrible sounding and totally unusable. There are a couple models that are slightly better than the standard models for really high gain stuff, that's about all I could say.

It really depends on what sort of sound you like, we all have different tastes. I could certainly live without it, but as you can see some people disagree.

If I had learned how to edit patches to the extent that I do now, and if I had started using impulses rather than the POD cab sims before, I would never have bought it. I mostly use the standard models now.
I've really never seen anyone mention it, but my favorite model is the Diezel Herbert (Deity's Son) through the Treadplate 4x12 (naturally) - such a great crunch to it IMO!
I like the deity's lead sometimes as well... Anyway, I'm sorry to hijack the thread, but does anyone here have the Bass Expansion pack? I'm thinking about picking it up... in the meantime, I'm happy using the Big Botttom boosted with the Bass Overdive stomp for my bass, but would like to look into actual bass cab and mic models sometime...