Is the switch from Windows 7 to 8 worth it?

My laptop has 3 GB of RAM and it says 2.6 GB usable. Is that why I am getting the latency? Maybe I should get more.

It's probably more related to your processing power and audio interface's driver efficiency.

Also heard a rumor that the missing memory supposedly allocated to your video card is in fact used by the FBI to monitor your discoveries about dark matter j/k:D
XP would not acknowledge my 16gb of ram (new computer ;) )

I certainly had a long and interesting ride with XP though.

Well there is XP 64bits.

I don't understand those people who are still using XP because "Win7 uses a lot of RAM" ...
Come on, this is 2013 and every computer comes equipped with at least 4GB ram (which XP even can't use).

Windows does pre-allocate RAM and cache often-used items, and that's where the big (RAM usage) difference between XP and Vista/7 comes from.

I mean, i have three PC's and they all have 8GB of RAM installed. Who cares if Windows 7 uses 1GB compared to the 128MB that Windows XP uses ... i got enough memory.

You dont understand probably because you dont need to use a lot of ram. I have a laptop with win7 and after starting windows, he is using almost 1gb as you said, wihout open any other programs like firefox, VLC, Winamp.

Now see this, my laptop has 4gb, 1gb is just for windows, if I run superior at 24 bits with all toms, cymbals, room mics, it´s more than 1gb, Just to 2gb left to mess with a couple of plugins, not heavy plugins. Believe it, makes all the difference for who have 4gb.

Win7 it´s a great windows, it´s quite intuitive, flows very well but also has a lot of visual shit that doesnt matter at all and it´s quite heavy as I said before. Win7 will be my choice for my new computer just because win xp has drivers problems with recent hardware. To me that´s the only reason I choose win7 over XP. Because XP does everything I want and runs faster.
It's probably more related to your processing power and audio interface's driver efficiency.

Also heard a rumor that the missing memory supposedly allocated to your video card is in fact used by the FBI to monitor your discoveries about dark matter j/k:D

I am still using XP on my 2003 audio production computer which runs fine. My laptop, which has Windows 7, is what I was referring to. The laptop has a lot of latency when running simple programs personal programs. I do not do any audio production with it. It has a 1.5ghz processor.

Maybe it is the FBI.