Windows 10

I can't even turn off Windows Defender, and I'm using Comodo.
Even so, like I said, it says "You can turn this off temporarily, but if it's off for a while we'll turn it back on automatically."

Don't forget to check under Privacy in your settings, even if you don't agree with my criticism of the other stuff, what's in there is fucking horrible.
Can't even turn off sending information to Microsoft, only set it to "basic".
The defaults choices are crazy, probably so they can force ads on you/sell your information. I've never really complained (meh, minor details that doesn't ruin the OS or experience) about Windows that I've used (3.11, 95, XP, 7), but I don't like this direction.
Like I said before, my Music PC isn't connected, so I'll probably install a slaughtered, slimmed down version of 10.
I've done three installs on my family's computers at home. All were done by downloading the update and install. I did the update then a clean install on my machine. I used a product key viewer on all three machines and they all show the exact same product key/serial number. It's the serial number that I had to enter when I did the clean install. So my guess is that all the 10 home upgrades have the same key but are registered by hardware config? Just seemed strange.


Yeah. ;)
And btw I have both steam and windows defender installed and never had a problem with updates/downloads!
Just tell the family member that for porn he/she must surfs or instead of surfing wrong websites
Viruses = porn on the wrong sites....
windows defender is the best antivirus you can get on windows, the rest is pure garbage.
Never had a virus problem on W7, maybe I can even turn off Windows defender :D
Who here is already running Windows 10 with a mainstream DAW and plugins? I'm quite curious how stable it is, seeing that the Audio Engine has improved latency over the previous versions.

I just hate the way MS went about doing this though, forcing you to upgrade, then needing to extract the key so you can do a clean install.
Here in Sweden its even a debate whether or not it even can be used within the public sector due to privacy and data laws.
Since it shares so much information with Microsoft and even contains a keylogger, there just is no way to ensure that personal information wont be shared with a third party etc.
The OS it self seems to be really good from everything I've read and heard about it, but the vasts amount of data it collects on you is nothing but frightening.
The 'keylogger" was in the technical preview and was disclosed in the agreement. It also said that it, as well as some other data collection features, were not permanent. If anyone that had the tech preview didn't know about that stuff then they shouldn't have installed it. There's still concerns in the current release about privacy but we'll see how that pans out with all the talk and complaints about it on the internet.
Bumping this kinda old thread to see if you guys have been using Win 10 on your audio PCs.
I use it on my laptop and the performance is not good, but I haven't used any other OS on it yet other than the Win8 that came with it. So I can't compare to Win7 (which I'm still using on the studio).