Is there any other singer/musician (besides Alexi) who is...


1 girl in her cups
May 5, 2003
East Bumblefuck
...famous for, erm, SPITTING all the time on stage???
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Just askin...I think it's really fucking funny how fans and magazine ppl always write about it in reviews!
A far as I remember I have seen James Hetfield(Metallica) spit on the stage many times. Probably they do it to clear their throat so that they dont fuck up while singing...
OutlawCFH said:
Zakk Wylde

Alexi spits a lot for 2 reasons..1)He smokes 2)He drinks beer...both make you spit a lot. :p
Yeah but he never drinks before playing, unless he becoming a slacker.
but I guess he spits to clear his throat while singing like someone else mentioned and not cause of smokin or drinking.
Thilo said:
Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater is spitting very much. He pits in the air and sometimes it comes down to Petruccis head. Very disgusting..

aeuheauh i was going to talk about portnoy, but i didn't know about petrucci's head thing :lol:

Actually, on his site, there's a FAQ answered by the man himself, and there's a question there like "Hey mike, why do you spit so much when you play?"

"Because my grandmother on my mother's side of the family was a llama"
:lol: :p
OutlawCFH said:
The Milwaukee 7/28/00 videos I have,he's drinking all threw the show.

huh, well maybe he drinks during he show, but not before. Thats how I am.