Is this too cute, or what?


That's gonna leave a mark
Dec 13, 2002
Spokane, WA
Buddy, our baby squirrel decided that the cats looked like they were having way too much fun so he decided he wanted to get in on the fun. They didn't seem to mind. Even the Oscar (the gray and white tabby) who weighs in at 26 lbs! Buddy's older "sister" Squeaker would have been ripping the two cats a new one.



I like the third picture with the tabby looking at the camera. The cat is giving the look of "What is this thing that's jumping on our back? It's a good thing for you that I'm tired or I'd eat it!" :grin:
he also enjoys miller, plays the harp, and has a vast cd collection.....hmmmm.....judging from the jackets hanging in the doorway, i'd say washington is damn cold about now. kewl pics alan!
SirLardsAlot said:
Hey Alanbirdsell, how come you have some many animals?? I remember a while back you posted a picture of you with a baby white tiger and i think even a baby bear. Whats up with that?
Being on the board of directors at our local Zoological Training Center and Zoo has it's privledges as far as the big cats (and the bears) go. The little creatures live at the house :D