Is UM the best part of your social life?

I live way out in the woods so I don't exactly have a social life.

This isn't exactly the friendliest forum I've been on and I'm not super close to anyone on here (admittedly I am in love with no country, but he rebuffs all my advances). Still I'm grateful to this forum and the metal community in general for exposing me to some contrarian views on life. Where else would you ever find someone like Death Delirium?

He has disappeared btw. I worry about him.
The one thing I like here is the ability to say outlandish shit without coming off as an asshole but just a person. Everyday people say and think crazy shit all the time we just censor ourselves a lot irl. I think people usually show their true self here and that's cool. I met a few people here and all have been cool.
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While I wouldn't call it that per se, it's definitely refreshing to speak to people who are knowledgeable about this genre and have some experience with it. That's a luxury I don't have in my day-to-day interactions with anyone in real life.
I like it here because facebook won't let me call people faggots anymore and on UM it's par for the course.

I've also made some friends, and I do refer to those I add on social media IRL sometimes like 'my friend so and so'. But I've always preferred cyber socialization, it's at my own pace and I don't have to go to your stupid ass birthday parties.
I never censor myself in real life, which is probably why my social life in real life is almost nonexistent. That and I'm very introverted.

I have to censor myself or else I'd just lose my job. :lol: Most people in real life aggravate me to some degree, none of them are usually my metal friends. I'd say they rarely annoy me, but we tend to socialize in bursts because they are just as antisocial as I am. It rules.
I have to censor myself or else I'd just lose my job. :lol: Most people in real life aggravate me to some degree, none of them are usually my metal friends. I'd say they rarely annoy me, but we tend to socialize in bursts because they are just as antisocial as I am. It rules.

Oh at work, I misunderstood. :D

I don't even hold back at work but that's because I work for myself and I do construction jobs usually surrounded by very boorish people, even the women. Women on construction jobs are hilarious.
Her life story was insane, it didn't even sound real it sounded like a movie.

Her fiance was killed by a stray bullet where they lived in Detroit while she was pregnant with their kid, she decided to go to school and learn a trade and started her own entrepreneur business which had her travelling all over the world working large jobs as a contractor. I think she's in China these days and after Australia she lived in New Zealand.

She was one of those people who don't really seem to exist anymore, those been through Hell and now nothing bothers me types. She used to make amazing hoppin' john and bring it to work.
I have to censor myself or else I'd just lose my job.

This for me. I really just wish I could call people out on their stupidity and ignorance/arrogance and get away with it. Instead, I spend an hour crafting an email that won't hurt someone's feelings or paint me as a perpetual dickhead. Corporate America sucks sometimes
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