
Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
. . . is quickly becoming one of my favorite 2004 CDs. Its also probably my second or third favorite Enslaved by now.

Another thought . . . Neurosis' 'The Eye of Every Storm' is also finally catching up with me in a big way. Its probably my third favorite Neurosis by now.

Still going . . . Pelican 'The Fire in . . .' is simply amazing. It keeps getting better for me. I don't know if I could put an instrumental album as Album of the Year, but it will get serious consideration.

My last thought . . . has anybody else heard the new Swarm of the Lotus. I'm getting tired of recommending it. BRILLIANT!
i still need to check this out, given my gaymanlove for Below the Lights.

The Eye of Every Storm is great! i give that one regular rotation. it's tied with & Jarboe for my favorite by them, but then again the only other one i have is Through Silver in Blood.
Isa is pretty fucking good, I listened to it every day for a while when I first got it. My "prog" favorite by them is still Monumension, though.

Does anyone else find that the guitar tone on Isa and Below the Lights is really fucking grating?
i love the guitar tone on Below the Lights. reminds me of Metallica - Load era, but umm, done completely right.
It reminds me of the very metallic (and also grating) guitar tone on Countdown to Extinction.
I love that guitar tone. Its actually not that much different than any of their other stuff. The production might just make it sound a litte different. Enslaved has pretty much the best guitar tone of any Viking/Black metal band I've heard.
I have no problem with the guitar tone on Isa, cold as an icepick but it still doesn't rub me the wrong way, and the riffs on Bounded By Allegiance and Neogenesis fucking slay. I'll have to agree that BTL does drop off after Havenless, I have be in the right mood for the last two.
Claws of Perdition said:
As fire swept clean the earth is like my second favourite Eslaved song.

Yep. The whole theme to Below the Lights is intellectual darkness, heh.

Isa, on the other hand, is like the retarded mole coming out the surface and playing with his gonads in the blinding sun.

And Ack goes the badger.
Sexy Little Otter said:
i love the guitar tone on Below the Lights. reminds me of Metallica - Load era, but umm, done completely right.
BASS tone on monumension. ugh. bowel movement inducing. fucking rules. that entire album has awesome sound, total 70's ideals rulin
Mardraum is their best post-Viking album. Seriously, check it out since it seems no one has.

I firmly believe Pelican will never top Australasia. But hey, few bands ever will.
I'm not so enthusiast about Isa , it's good but Enslaved are going sterile I'm afraid , at least for me.

Last Neurosis is good. However , And Shall the Sky Descend by Dirge (2004 also) or Cult of Luna's Salvation to a lesser extent , are much more memorable.
Erik said:
BASS tone on monumension. ugh. bowel movement inducing. fucking rules. that entire album has awesome sound, total 70's ideals rulin
i've been told to get that album many times, but i think this will finally push me over the edge.
J. said:
Mardraum is their best post-Viking album. Seriously, check it out since it seems no one has.

True dat. I think "Below The Lights" is their worst by FAR. "Monumension" isn't terribly good either, but it definitely has got its moments ("Enemy I", for instance). "Isa" is actually rock solid in my book, tracks such as "Reogenesis", "Secrets Of The Flesh", "Ascension" and the title track =