Israel Strikes Aid Ship

The holocaust was a systematic, intentional, government run erradication of a people based on their religion/race. How Israel handles the Palestinian issue is atrocious in my opinion, however, I can see no way how you can compare the Gaza strip to a concentration camp where men, women, and children were indiscriminately massacred en masse in gas chambers because the bullets were getting too expensive...

Israel needs to stand up and be the bigger man in this situation, apologize, compensate the victim's families, clarify their position on relief aid and move on. The Palestinians (read Hamas, PLO, etc.) will continue to use terrorist tactics as long as Israel continues it's disasterous policy towards them - I can't blame them, and Israel will continue to be forced to take drastic actions that all too often have shameful and unfortunate side effects in order to protect her citizens.

Of course, these two scenarios are NOT equal on a lot of levels. But putting a scale with "better" or "worse" on it is outright perverse.
Of course, these two scenarios are NOT equal on a lot of levels. But putting a scale with "better" or "worse" on it is outright perverse.

True, but its not fair saying that this is the same thing as the holocaust.
But i dont care anymore, there is no point in arguing about this, so:

So in reflection of the last few pages I'd like to say this, I sent this originally as a PM to Notuern but I can only conclude since he didnt answer that his pm's might be full, so posting it out in the open instead:

I just want to take this moment to say I'm sorry for what I said, it was too flippant a remark for something so serious and I should have phrased my viewpoint better without resorting to that comparison. I still think what is happening right now is a horrible thing and is completely contemptible thing, but I think the others are right, human atrocities are perhaps better not compared.

At any rate, I don't want this to become a personal thing between us, I mean, I went into this as a discussion, not because I wanted to make enemies with anyone but just to air my views and I realise things got a bit heated there, but I value this as a community where people can discuss such things and not end up hating each other, so I hope I've not upset you in the long run.


- Owen

Just going to be honest here and admit I was 100% wrong with that comparison and you were all right. Apologies guys, it's not often I make as bad a call as that one.