Everyone that's saying this action of Israel was "uncalled for" also intent that the Iraq, Afghanistan & Vietnam war are uncalled for...or you're just a hypocrite.
Those wars were unnecessary. Most of them were just guises for promoting American business interests.
As for Israel being at war, well why are they there in the first place, its a racist state that promotes the one religion and one religion only, you can be an arab born in Israel and still not have the same rights that a Jew that has migrated to Israel is given by default.
Its devoured over the past 60 years vast swathes of Palestinian land, it has bombs it wont admit to owning, its recieved over 3 trillion in US funding, killed three times as many Palestinians as Palestinians have killed Israelis. Bulldozed family homes, murdered children and erected walls to keep people enclosed.
If I was an Arab who had to put up with that, I'd fight back too, especially considering before the second world war the land had belonged to my ancestors. I utterly condemn the suicide bombing of innocent civilians by islamic radicalists, but if I was an Arab I would be fighting the Israeli army for my life too. Its the 5th or 6th biggest military power in the world up against people with sticks and stones.
That and the only way Israel can maintain its population is by the importation of Jewish nationals, not only is its situation ethically unstable, its also lacking legitimate reason for being there.
A religion doesn't need a home, it doesnt deserve one by default of past actions against it.
I would go as far as to say that the ethnic cleansing that is happening at the hands of Israel today is just as severe as that carried out towards the Jews 65 years ago. It's cowardly and unnecessary except for maintaining an inviable state that promotes one sole religion and discriminates against those that do not follow it.