Israel Strikes Aid Ship

Seriously.. how harsh this may sound: Just let Israel drop their fucking bombs and be done with it.
Its going to happen anyways, the only difference would be how long we would have to wait for this shit to happen.
Everyone that's saying this action of Israel was "uncalled for" also intent that the Iraq, Afghanistan & Vietnam war are uncalled for...or you're just a hypocrite.

Those wars were unnecessary. Most of them were just guises for promoting American business interests.

As for Israel being at war, well why are they there in the first place, its a racist state that promotes the one religion and one religion only, you can be an arab born in Israel and still not have the same rights that a Jew that has migrated to Israel is given by default.

Its devoured over the past 60 years vast swathes of Palestinian land, it has bombs it wont admit to owning, its recieved over 3 trillion in US funding, killed three times as many Palestinians as Palestinians have killed Israelis. Bulldozed family homes, murdered children and erected walls to keep people enclosed.

If I was an Arab who had to put up with that, I'd fight back too, especially considering before the second world war the land had belonged to my ancestors. I utterly condemn the suicide bombing of innocent civilians by islamic radicalists, but if I was an Arab I would be fighting the Israeli army for my life too. Its the 5th or 6th biggest military power in the world up against people with sticks and stones.

That and the only way Israel can maintain its population is by the importation of Jewish nationals, not only is its situation ethically unstable, its also lacking legitimate reason for being there.

A religion doesn't need a home, it doesnt deserve one by default of past actions against it.

I would go as far as to say that the ethnic cleansing that is happening at the hands of Israel today is just as severe as that carried out towards the Jews 65 years ago. It's cowardly and unnecessary except for maintaining an inviable state that promotes one sole religion and discriminates against those that do not follow it.
Öwen;9130847 said:
I would go as far as to say that the ethnic cleansing that is happening at the hands of Israel today is just as severe as that carried out towards the Jews 65 years ago. It's cowardly and unnecessary except for maintaining an inviable state that promotes one sole religion and discriminates against those that do not follow it.

I have to say that now you pissed me of.. real bad.
Your entire post was legitimate up until that point.

Have you ever been in Auschwitz or Birkenau? Have you seen the f-cking horror they had to live through?
I have actually been there, and trust me, you have no f-cking idea what its like.. i thought i understood how horrible it was down there, but when i saw how they lived i was completely in shock.
It literally smelt like burnt corpses still to this day.. its f-cking horrifying.
I have to say that now you pissed me of.. real bad.
Your entire post was legitimate up until that point.

Have you ever been in Auschwitz or Birkenau? Have you seen the f-cking horror they had to live through?

Yes it was horrific, but I stand by what I said, as I believe the actions at the hands of the Israelis in the west bank are also horrific;

Shooting innocent children is an atrocity.

No parent should have to see their children crippled or murdered.
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Yeah I was gonna say this is nowhere near what Hitler and the boiz did back in WWII man. Not even fucking close... When Israel starts setting up camps and gas chambers, etc. then maybe.
Avoidable mortality (technically, excess mortality) is the difference between the actual deaths in a country and the deaths expected for a peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics (see: ). Post-1967 avoidable mortality (excess mortality) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories totals 300,000 and the post-1967 under-5 infant mortality 183,000 (of which about 90% was avoidable) (estimated from UN Population Division data; see: ). The “annual under-5 infant mortality” (expressed as a percentage of the under-5 infant population) is 0.51% (Occupied Palestinian Territories) as compared to 0.12% (Israel) (2003 figures; see: and the latest UNICEF reports: ).

You tell me how that is not a genocide, it might not be as horrifically imaginitive, but it is on the same horrendous level.
Öwen;9130897 said:
Yes it was horrific, but I stand by what I said, as I believe the actions at the hands of the Israelis in the west bank are also horrific;

Shooting innocent children is an atrocity.

No parent should have to see their children crippled or murdered.

Fuck you.
Seriously, fuck you.

I didnt say that what the Israelites did was fine, but dont you even fucking dare comparing it to what the Jews went through in Auschwitz you ignorant fucking bastard.

Again, fuck you.
Fuck you.
Seriously, fuck you.

I didnt say that what the Israelites did was fine, but dont you even fucking dare comparing it to what the Jews went through in Auschwitz you ignorant fucking bastard.

Again, fuck you.

You know what man, fuck you right back.

I never said any of it was remotely justifiable on any level, the holocaust was terrible on every possible level. The comparison was only to draw attention to the hypocrisy of the whole thing, but if you want to make this personal then thats you're choice. I suggest you back off because you're not contributing anything here.
Öwen;9130922 said:
I never said any of it was remotely justifiable on any level,

No, but you said it was the same thing as the holocaust, which just proves how little you know about it.
And those pictures are not even close.. you have no understanding in what happened in the holocaust, so i suggest that you either read a book about it, or just stfu.
Owen you are pouring gasoline on the flame of hatred.

If you want everyone to hate Jews, the war will not end soon, because Jews will be afraid of that hatred just like they are now, and their fear will manifest in even more evil ways.
And those pictures are not even close.. you have no understanding in what happened in the holocaust, so i suggest that you either read a book about it, or just stfu.

Explain to me how you make the distinction between the deaths of children and the deaths of children.

Explain to me how you make the distinction between half a million people killed in 5 years and the same amount killed in 60. It's still genocide no matter what way you look at it, its still murder no matter what way you look at it.

Mutant, I don't want anyone to hate the Jews and I don't see why you had to throw that in, I'm anti-Israeli government policy and think it lacks legitimacy, not anti-semitic (please note the two don't go hand in hand) I'm part Jewish and part Gypsy, if I was in Germany 60 years ago I would have been shot on the spot, but that doesnt make whats happening in Israel right now any less disgusting in my eyes.

The genocide of a people is the genocide of a people, whether it happens suddenly or not.
Öwen;9130995 said:
Mutant, I don't want anyone to hate the Jews and I don't see why you had to throw that in

Then take down the pictures you posted earlier (same goes to Notuern).
Really to solve all problems in the middle east, people just need to calm down.
Heated emotions = war.
Then take down the pictures you posted earlier (same goes to Notuern).

More than happy to, I didn't like posting them to begin with.

Although how that is relevant to Jew hatred you'll have to explain.
Guys, stop it, this is so ridiculous and pointless. It's like people comparing Hitler to Stalin. Arguing about what is/was "worse" than the other is so disrespectful towards the victims and a slap in the face for those who lost a loved one.

Nothing justifies the crimes committed by either side in this.

I REFUSE to rank atrocities done to mankind.
Öwen;9130995 said:
Explain to me how you make the distinction between the deaths of children and the deaths of children.

Explain to me how you make the distinction between half a million people killed in 5 years and the same amount killed in 60. It's still genocide no matter what way you look at it, its still murder no matter what way you look at it.

One of them involves having to work without food until you die(Children to you know.), the other one doesnt.
One of them involves shoveling your relatives ashes in to a pond where you later will have to get your drinking water, the other one doesnt.
One of them involves being experimented on, the other one doesnt.
One of them involves sleeping on your dead friends for weeks, the other one doesnt.
One of them involves living in your own fecal matter until you die, the other one doesnt.
One of them involves being treated like cattle, the other one doesnt.
One of them involves having to starve your friends to death in order to survive, the other one doesnt.

Just read up on the holocaust for fucks sake.
Genocide is genocide, the holocaust was the holocaust.
Öwen;9130995 said:
if I was in Germany 60 years ago I would have been shot on the spot, but that doesnt make whats happening in Israel right now any less disgusting in my eyes.

No, you would have to work with just enough food to keep you alive for a year(If you where lucky.).. and the work would involve killing your relatives.
Edit: Oh, and again, im not justifying what Israel is doing.. but i cant tolerate that someone compares it to the f-cking holocaust.
I never ranked anything, I jus they were on the same level of disgusting and inhumane.