Israel Strikes Aid Ship

Öwen;9128596 said:
If you there's a guy standing outside your house on the street and you think he's going to break in, in defiance of your home, then you wait until he attempts that action. Otherwise you are just a cold blooded murderer if you decide to go out and actively attack and kill him.

I agree with you for the most part and am as anti-Israel as I can be without being an anti-Semite, but I would add a bit to the analogy...

It's more like if a guy is standing outside your house yelling, and the following conversation ensues:

"Hey dude I'm gonna come up to try to give you some stuff, k?"

"Alright, just make sure you go to the front door and no other entry at all!"

"Naaahh I'll go through the side gate, it's chill."

"No dude, really, only the front door."

"Right, side gate!"

and then you shoot him before he gets onto your property. :lol:

Still fucked up, illegal, and should be condemned, but the dude in the middle of the street is a bit of a dumbass.

Israel have no right to do ANYTHING outside of their international waters. If they want access to Gaza to be blocked then they have to convince the UN, no matter what the reason. International law is law and should be treated as such.

Childish is someone who wants to wait until terrorists "attempt" to do something.

Yes Israel has no legal right to do it. That doesn't mean that Israel has no moral right to protect themselves.
I agree with you for the most part and am as anti-Israel as I can be without being an anti-Semite, but I would add a bit to the analogy...

It's more like if a guy is standing outside your house yelling, and the following conversation ensues:

"Hey dude I'm gonna come up to try to give you some stuff, k?"

"Alright, just make sure you go to the front door and no other entry at all!"

"Naaahh I'll go through the side gate, it's chill."

"No dude, really, only the front door."

"Right, side gate!"

and then you shoot him before he gets onto your property. :lol:

Still fucked up, illegal, and should be condemned, but the dude in the middle of the street is a bit of a dumbass.

What you seem to basically be pushing though is that this is bad because it happened in Intl waters...
If this happened 28miles closer to Israel, you'd be okay with it?

There is no justification for killing, everyone here agrees on that...

Except, that's not where my problem with the situation lies... It lies in the fact that they went there looking for a fight, got one, lost it and are now playing the victims.

If they had turned back AFTER the warnings, taken israel's offer to deliver the aid via the APPROPRIATE channels and had avoided making martyrs of themselves, everyone involved would still be alive.,

KNOWING FULL WELL that israel is not a country to be fucked with, they decided to push on through the barrier (legal or not) and Israel responded.

They knew the barrier was there, they were warned plenty in advance (weeks) as to what the consequences would be and yet they still did it.

My issue is that they're now that kid in the playground who picked a fight with a bigger kid, got their ass whooped then went crying home to mummy.
Mutant, unfortunately (in a case like this) one must follow the law. You break it, you deal with the consequences. They broke it, period. I don't know why you're trying to justify it. Morals are subjective. Law is Law.

in other words, give up.
What you seem to basically be pushing though is that this is bad because it happened in Intl waters...
If this happened 28miles closer to Israel, you'd be okay with it?

If the Israelis had boarded a ship that was in their territorial waters after telling not to enter and it had entered I would be absolutely ok with that, thats their lawful right as a country to be able to do that.

This was not their lawful right, so I expect them to be punished as they went against the law.

If I go against the law I will be punished, regardless of my moral situation and I'd expect this to be the same for everyone else including countries. The law is there to make sure like things like this dont happen, if it can be avoided then it is useless to all intensive purposes.

Unless anyone here really legitimately wants to claim that the law should be useless and disposable then there is no argument to be had.
Mutant, unfortunately (in a case like this) one must follow the law. You break it, you deal with the consequences. They broke it, period. I don't know why you're trying to justify it. Morals are subjective. Law is Law.

in other words, give up.

Yup - I think we're all only favoring it because it was radical islam on the receiving end of the buttfucking

Öwen;9128698 said:
Unless anyone here really legitimately wants to claim that the law should be useless and disposable then there is no argument to be had.

Again, yup
I always seem to part with Israel in this conflict.. but i have to say that my mindset is kind of like Marcus: While i understand why they did it, i cant agree with that it was the right thing to do.
Just as Owen says: Its against the law, end of f*cking story. Break the law and suffer the consequences, its that simple.

Bingo. This whole mess should have never happened, but religion has kept the people who live in that part of the world at each other's throats for millennia.

I'm sure the Imams are licking their chops at this moment for all the bad press Israel is getting. You can be sure they'll milk this for maximum effect. These being the same Imams who never seem to get tired of watching their young people's guts get splattered all over the scenery.

I'm not taking sides here either, both are guilty. I think the only way there will ever be peace there, is if everyone stops going to religious services & just ignores the imams/rabbis/various fuckwits.
All ships have been captured and activists jailed.

I've seen in the news the powerful armaments they had to invade Israel and defeat the Israel army. Some knifes, iron pipes, sticks...

Now I hope Israel shows the world all those missiles, bombs and guns the ships were supposed to take to Palestine.
And if they show you all that, you and others will say that they put it there to make the flotilla look bad...

Up to now, I haven't seen them, not even those put by israelies. We'll wait until UN investigation is over.
I just said I have'nt seen it yet.

Perhaps are hidden in the same hole that the Iraq mass destruction weapons.
Israel is only trying to stop weapon smuggling. They first ask the ship if they can board, apparently they cannot, then they board, and get attacked.

The most fun thing about this is whenever they succeed of smuggling bombs in Gaza or whatever and those bombs are prepared to land on US, UK or Europe soil...then again it's the fault of the Israeli's that they didn't keep guard "close enough"..

Öwen;9128557 said:
Neither of your hypothetical scenarios deal with the fact that this was outside any territorial jurisdiction.

:zombie: That's the whole thing of being "at war". Israel is constantly at war, not because they want to, but because they need to. They cannot afford to keep their guard down.

Everyone that's saying this action of Israel was "uncalled for" also intent that the Iraq, Afghanistan & Vietnam war are uncalled for...or you're just a hypocrite.
It´s not just religion. I have a jew friend who lived in Israel for two years recently. She says that when there´s people throwing RPGs from the border of the country to your grandma´s house everyday, when your best friend´s parents were killed by a suicide bomber.... there´s just too much anger to be eliminated by a stroke of a president's pen.
It´s not just religion. I have a jew friend who lived in Israel for two years recently. She says that when there´s people throwing RPGs from the border of the country to your grandma´s house everyday, when your best friend´s parents were killed by a suicide bomber.... there´s just too much anger to be eliminated by a stroke of a president's pen.

Both sides are very afraid of each other.

Fear breeds hatred.

I can't see any possibility of eliminating that fear.

The war will go on forever...