Israel's military actions justified?

I own a large field and i am a farmer. it is my field and i grow things in it like vegtables. It is my land and it belongs to me... it always has done and always will. However one day four people came to the edge of my field.... they had no-where to go and were starving to death....they needed land and this was the only land on earth. they were four people called Speed, infoterror, the nice looking one ( Norsemaiden ) and falconspirit. I had two chioces blow them into the next field with my shotgun or give em all a little piece of my field so they too could have a nice happy stress free safe life. Well me being me i would probably do the latter and let em on my land...hell it would give me someone to talk about vegetables too.... maybe invite Norsemaiden around for guitar practice? well thats what i would do anyway but as you all know theres more than most would have just basted all four with their shotguns...hey maybe your one of them types that would do that sorta thing.... yknow and get upset easily about stuff.
Nukes are here for a reason, and their there to be used thats why countries have em. hiroshima..ha, I reckon we aint seen nothing yet. :zombie:
Norsemaiden said:
I didn't read anywhere that Mossad was behind the recent bombing atrocity in India (you do know about that happening don't you?). It is simply that in trying to work out who did a crime, it is always helpful to ask: who benefits? The finger points firmly in the direction of the master terrorists. They should be at least under suspision.
oh, so basically you're saying you pulled that straight out of your.. well :)
you're too funny, but you honestly haven't got a shred of clue what you're talking about (which you failed to mention that it was only your own twisted speculation)
you think they've got nothing to do then go to india (a place with LOTS of israelies FYI, israelies just love india.. ask any israeli) and bomb a few hundred people.. right

okay.. you need to understand the most far off, fucked up conclusion isn't automatically true :)

Norsemaiden said:
If Olmert is a mad Jew who thinks he's the Messiah, he has the only right recognised by Nature to take this territory - ie. the right of the strong to dominate the weak - and ethnically cleanse the area for his own race.
do you know ANYTHING about israel? about olmert?
israel has already given lots of territory it had gained during previous wars, for nothing..
israeli does not wish for more territory. haven't you heard about the very recent gaza disengagement that basically split israel into 2 (the ones for it and ones against it).
Olmert is definitely NOT a lunatic "mad jew" (that was close to sounding racist, BTW). he is not considered right wing and I don't recall him mentioning the bible once
all in all what I've learned about you is that you're willing to blab out anything that crosses your mind even for a brief second
That is another problem with this issue. It seems most people choose to pick which side they deem "evil" and justify any action of the other. If you disagree with Israel's political and military history, that is fine, but it seems many of these anti-Israeli comments border on bigotry. There is no "right" and "wrong" here, this is simply a terrible situation that, God willing, will end as soon as possible. Olmert is trying to fill the shoes of Ariel Sharon, and that is no easy task in this type of situation. Israel has no intention of occupying Lebanon, with the memories of that 18 year fiasco still on people's minds. This seems to be an attempt to punish the government of Lebanon to the point where they send the Lebanese Army to the souther border. Taking out the airport fuel depot and the highway was obviously meant to stall aid from Syria and Iran. I have no idea why they are bombing the southern Beirut suburbs, but that is more than likely because Hezbollah is hiding out there. Bad situation, and the U.N. needs to intercede and put an end to this conflict as soon as possible.
Is it justified? Yes the damn Jews have been attacked uncontrollably for thousands of years let them defend them self's damn it!!!
thanks Falconspirit theres nothing i like better then hearing about these thing from people who are directly affected

i feal theres something magor i dont understand about israel why do they take teritory only to give it back, why are they holding someny prisonors and where do they get so mutch money from

personly i felt phisicaly sick when i heard about 'operation sumer rain' and i dont feal any better about what ive heard since
Israel only exists for the eradication of Plaistine and Islamic people. There will never be peace because the Jewish people believe they own that land and that they are there because God wants them to lead the other people.

What I am wonder is what the US is going to do about its 25,000 something citizens it currently has in Lebanon? If Israel is attacking Lebanon and US doesn't have any action plan on removing its citizens yet does that make Israel responsible for those people?

Israel doesn't seem to be caring about who they kill. Over 100 dead and almost all of them are civilian casualties.
Verwuestung said:
do you know ANYTHING about israel? about olmert?
israel has already given lots of territory it had gained during previous wars, for nothing..
israeli does not wish for more territory. haven't you heard about the very recent gaza disengagement that basically split israel into 2 (the ones for it and ones against it).
Olmert is definitely NOT a lunatic "mad jew" (that was close to sounding racist, BTW). he is not considered right wing and I don't recall him mentioning the bible once
all in all what I've learned about you is that you're willing to blab out anything that crosses your mind even for a brief second

"West Bank Terrorist State". In what way could Hamas' victory in the Palestinian elections be of conceivable use to the Israelis? One might ask. Well, the Israeli withdrawals from the west bank and Gaza was a move that greatly assisted the election of Hamas, who managed to take the credit for this in the eyes of the Palestinians.

With Hamas in power, Israel could more easily claim to be threatened by them, as a "terrorist state" and move aggressively, such as the airstrikes launched against a warehouse in Gaza, killing a few men, because they claimed rockets and mortars, etc were being made by Hamas.

Then there is the strong potential of making use of the rivalry between Fatah and Hamas .

"Israel has also been skilled at trying to foment Fatah-Hamas rivalries, trying to create a form of chaos in the territories"

I found a very good article explaining reasons for the Israeli withdrawal.

"With regard to the Gaza Strip, the disengagement plan published in the Israeli papers on Friday 16 April 2004 specifies that, within a year and a half, the Israeli occupation there should be declared to be over. In every other aspect, the situation will remain as it is. The Palestinians will be imprisoned from all sides, with no connection to the world, except through Israel. Israel also reserves for itself the right to act militarily inside the Gaza Strip.(1) But since the strip will no longer be defined as an occupied territory, Israel will not be subject to the Fourth Geneva Convention. Clause f of Section I in the published plan states that "the disengagement move will obviate the claims about Israel with regard to its responsibility for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip". In other words, what Israel does today in violation of international law will become legal: it would presumably become formally permissible to starve people and to kill whoever Israel determines - from a child throwing stones, to the successor of a spiritual leader, himself executed a month before."

"Apart from its borders, Israel will undoubtedly retain control over the Gaza Strip's electricity and water supplies, as well as its territorial waters and airspace. Hence Israel's 'pullout', if it happens, will be a vast smokescreen concealing the consolidation of its hold over the West Bank, a process designed to secure international legitimacy for the occupation."

The US has cut off aid to Palestine,and Israel is withholding Palestinian revenues and tax receipts amounting to $60m a month.

"This is the price Palestinians must pay for their democratic elections in January. The majority voted for the "wrong" party, Hamas, which the US and Israel, with their inimitable penchant for pot-calling-the-kettle-black, describe as terrorist. However, terrorism is not the reason for starving the Palestinians, whose prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, had reaffirmed Hamas's commitment to recognise the Jewish state, proposing only that Israel obey international law and respect the borders of 1967. Israel has refused because, with its apartheid wall under construction, its intention is clear: to take over more and more of Palestine, encircling whole villages and eventually Jerusalem."
If it wasn't for fear of US intervention Muslims would try and slaughter Israel. They hate them like Hitler did its sickening.
The Bringer said:
Israel only exists for the eradication of Plaistine and Islamic people. There will never be peace because the Jewish people believe they own that land and that they are there because God wants them to lead the other people.

What I am wonder is what the US is going to do about its 25,000 something citizens it currently has in Lebanon? If Israel is attacking Lebanon and US doesn't have any action plan on removing its citizens yet does that make Israel responsible for those people?

Israel doesn't seem to be caring about who they kill. Over 100 dead and almost all of them are civilian casualties.

Thanks for all the objective responses.
Things are getting worse by the minute.
In what may concerns the 25,000 American citizens here, they are going to be evacuated by sea to Cyprus beginning today or tomorrow.
The French are also sending 2 battleships to evacuate French citizens from Lebanon who "wish" to leave.
I just heard that Russia is also elaborating an evacuation plan for its citizens here.
And they're leaving us here to rot.
God help us all.
If they succeed Christians will be the next on the top priority list of elimination. Then it probably will be broken down to racial thing. Muslims are brutal i don't care what people think.
troopsofdoom said:
If they succeed Christians will be the next on the top priority list of elimination. Then it probably will be broken down to racial thing. Muslims are brutal i don't care what people think.

I don't agree with this, if Muslims wanted to eliminate Christians from Lebanon at least, they would have done it a long time ago. We have been living together for centuries. Yes we've had our differences, we've had a civil war. But over time we have learned to live together, respect each other etc.. Everyone agrees here, that without Christians Lebanon wouldn't be the same, and without Muslims it wouldn't be the same either.
Anyways that's how we see it.
Falconspirit said:
Thanks for all the objective responses.
Things are getting worse by the minute.
In what may concerns the 25,000 American citizens here, they are going to be evacuated by sea to Cyprus beginning today or tomorrow.
The French are also sending 2 battleships to evacuate French citizens from Lebanon who "wish" to leave.
I just heard that Russia is also elaborating an evacuation plan for its citizens here.
And they're leaving us here to rot.
God help us all.

Well my hopes to you on finding a way out fast.

This sort of thing just baffles me:

Israel targets Lebanon for a fifth day

Israeli air strikes on Lebanon killed at least 35 civilians on Saturday. In the worst incident, two families fleeing a village in a minivan were hit by an Israeli missile. Several children were killed. At least 104 people in Lebanon, all but four of them, civilians, have been killed since violence erupted on Wednesday. Targets on Saturday included bridges, fuel storage tanks and petrol stations in the south of the country in what is Israel's most destructive onslaught since an invasion in 1982.
That funny looks more like a stalemate to me. Christianity has all but been eliminated in the middle east. So Muslims could have eliminated Christians from the world if they wanted to? I may have been wrong i forgot they hate Hindus then Cristian's then what ever Else they can think off. Thats after jews of course.
Falconspirit said:
Thanks for all the objective responses.
Things are getting worse by the minute.
In what may concerns the 25,000 American citizens here, they are going to be evacuated by sea to Cyprus beginning today or tomorrow.
The French are also sending 2 battleships to evacuate French citizens from Lebanon who "wish" to leave.
I just heard that Russia is also elaborating an evacuation plan for its citizens here.
And they're leaving us here to rot.
God help us all.

Of course the nations are gonna worry about their own, before they can worry about someone else. Wouldn't you get your own family out of a burning building, before you started worrying about strangers?
Yes of course anyone in that situation would. I've read that Europeans are finally being evacuated but not a single word about any American's trapped in the conflict. I would think that USA would have jumped at the chance to get their people out of there especially when they already have troops in the middle-east and know what the situation is like across the board.

EDIT: I would like to think that travel agencies would perfer citizens NOT to travel to these countries in the first place unless it was of the utmost importance.
Crimson Velvet said:
Of course the nations are gonna worry about their own, before they can worry about someone else. Wouldn't you get your own family out of a burning building, before you started worrying about strangers?

Try being the country that every one expect to help. The US is so crippled right now we cant even help ourselves. Our military is in serous trouble bro so i agree with ya.
Crimson Velvet said:
Of course the nations are gonna worry about their own, before they can worry about someone else. Wouldn't you get your own family out of a burning building, before you started worrying about strangers?

Read my previous post.
Of course I do not object to their evacuation, I'm no mad man.
I'm just saying that the mere act of evacuating is signaling that this is going to be worse in the days to come. The act of evacuating them, means that the International Community knows that Israel is planning heavy attacks that might kill more civilians, which is why they're own are being evacuated.
If they weren't evacuating we would have known that there is some international consensus on a cease fire or they are working on calming things down.
But no..