It´s over - 3 years relationship ;(

Nothing better than watching the world cup with some mates and beer to help you get over your woes, man. Really sorry to hear, but you will get over it and you will move on to either a more fitting relationship or a blissful bachelorhood :). Remember, if it was meant to end then you've just done the necessary thing. No need prolonging a relationship that doesn't work.

I've been with my girl for 4 years, so if that ever ends you'll know... I'm sure it'd hit me pretty hard too man, as it would anybody.

Take care.

Thank you very much for your good & wise words, Ermz. You´re damn right! After that misery of the last 5 days, I feel even better now and I have the feeling, I did the right decision. Of course...the next weeks will be hard. We have lots of small things shared, precious trifles only we both know. But life will go on for me.
That sucks dude.

I'm currently in a 3 year long relationship and also engaged. I can't imagine how it would feel to lose that. I'm sure better things will come along. I'm going to go have a beer for you.
Sorry to hear Felix, have some booze, keep your chin up and enjoy the world cup if you can! :kickass:
I'm really, really sorry to hear that bro. I had a messy breakup after three years and it fucked me up for quite a while, so I know very well how you feel. I'm not gonna say "cheer up, plenty of other fish in the sea" or stuff like that because I know you feel like shit right now and you have to give yourself that. You'll feel better and better over time, but you gotta allow yourself to feel like shit for a bit if you need to.

Hit me up on FB if you feel you need to vent whenever I'm online! :)
Sorry man...been there,done that and knows how crappy it feels.
Take your time to mourn and be sad,that's very important.
Break porcelain,scream and cry or write black metal songs...
whatever it takes blow off some steam.

All the best to you

Mikey W.
Sorry to hear it man , happened to me once , ending of a three year relationship , it sucks and feels like such a waste of time but you will find someone new and move on soon enough!
Oh dude... I know exactly how you feel, I've been there and it wasnt on good terms, worst times of my life. But there's a saying my grandma used to say (portuguese saying), that translated goes like: "Behind a hill lies a mountain". So if it wasnt meant to be it wasnt, so just try to not overthink stuff and the best still lies ahead :)
Sorry to hear that, man. My wife threatened leaving me a few times and the it is just the worst feeling ever to think of not having her with me. Try to find stuff to ocupy your mind, guitar, recording, friends, whatever! I'd just avoid drinking away problems - I can't see how it really helps anyone.

I hope you'll be fine soon!
I'm sorry, Felix. I got out of a terrible and painful four year relationship myself about two years ago. You're an awesome dude and you'll find someone that will compliment you and make you happy sooner than later.
Sorry to hear that dude!

Shit, kenne das Gefühl auch zu gut.
Ärgere Dich nicht zu viel und stecke Deine Energie in Machines and Madness.