Italian Thread

Ciao Morgana, benvenuta! Non ti ho mai vista in giro prima, torna a trovarci... :wave:

E Ari, come va, pupa?
Mi scuso per la lunga assenza, ogni tanto questo thread viene proprio dimenticato... sorry!
...tutti trascurano il thread!!! Ma a dire il vero, il forum ormai è poco interessante, e la moderazione è troppo severa, a volte, quindi... secondo me un po' di latitanza non è grave, no worries.

Comunque.... ciaoooooo, come state tutte/i? Io bene, ho riniiziatol'uni l'altro ieri... ahhhh, la vitaccia ricomincia! Tutto sommato, mi è mancata... necessito crisi esistenziali, ogni tanto. :lol:

See ya soon! :wave:
^ Uhhh yes, hahaha, it's totally odd, wrong... you said something like "the door is made of soup"! :lol:
Anyway, how are you, Nick? Hope it's all going well for you. :)
Yea that's what i meant to say haha. I'm ok, i actually went to Paterno with my grandmother a couple months ago. It was the first time she had been there since ww2 and it was nice that i got to see Naples and where she lived. We found her old house in Paterno really quick, she showed me the rocks they would wash clothes on and where she would wash the dishes outside. Inside she was surprised to find old glass bottles on a shelf her dad had filled with tomatoes and oil, we tried to take the whole thing home but they made us empty the tomatoes lol. She found her old church and even her kindergarten. It's so nice over there, i'm probably to put some pictures up because none of knew we still had that much family left in Italy.

How are you Eli? :)
^ Ohhh good, that sounded nice! I'm glad you had the chance to live that experience. ^_*

Me? I'm doing alright, thank you. I've been very busy with Uni pretty much all the time, a few problems here and there too, but I'm still alive... and feel good, so... couldn't ask for anything better. :)
Ciau a tutti

Sono Andrea,Mogliano(marche)....
Ho visto solo ora sto thread

Rock on guys

Salve a tutti!!
Anche io ero curiosa di sapere quanti italiani popolano questo forum XD
Io sono Jo e sono della provincia di Treviso!


Ciao Jo e ciao Andrea, piacere di conoscervi! Purtroppo, di italiani non ce n'è mai stati molti su sto forum... il mio nome è Eli, sono piemontese e sono membro del forum dal... 9 agosto 2006, un po' di tempo, vero?
Sono tornata sul forum dopo qualche mese, non postavo da parecchio, ma ogni tanto mi ricordavo della sua esistenza e venivo a leggiucchiare in giro, e stavolta ho letto i vostri post. Fa piacere leggere qualcuno in questo thread ogni tanto, dato che tutti gli italiani che prima postavano qui (eravamo soprattutto ragazze) al momento non postano più, e non so se sia una cosa definitiva o meno... magari un giorno torneranno!
Comunque, restando in attesa di presentazioni ufficiali fatte dalle relative interessate, posso dirvi i nomi delle altre persone che bazzicavano qui oltre a me... §killer_angel§, Igraine, §healer_devil§, Excuse·All·The·Blood, Eleonora, chlamys, tempestadiossa, qualche altra persona che non conosco e taaaanta gente che di italiano non capisce un tubo ma si diverte comunque a far bordello nei thread nazionali altrui, hahaha.
Il thread è ormai zeppo delle nostre "perle di saggezza"... se vi va, date un'occhiata, così capirete quaaaanto fuori (in senso positivo) stavamo.
Un saluto a tutti, ciao! :)

calzone pantalone ai ai ai mia berta!
Literally: "trouser trouser ouch ouch my berta"...
Oh Ensi... you did it again: no meaning, this time too! Hehe.
Ciao Tutti :)

I'm looking for improving my italian so I think one of the best way is to watch tv and movies. I already have some italian channel on tv but I want to watch some good movies or tv shows. Any advise? I'm looking for all kind, I don't really care I just want to improve, but something easy of course :)
Rai 1,2,3
Italia 1
Rai Sport
Sat 2000

I studied it a long time ago at school. I can understand it quite ok, it's speaking that is a bit of an issue because I make lots of grammatical mistakes. Let's say I'm a beginner but i can conjugate verbs in present past and futur (most of the time). And as I'm french there are some similiraties in grammar and words. Sorry I'm too ashamed to try (I'm not Ensi :))
Rai 1,2 and Italia 1 are the best channels...

And i know what you mean...speaking is the hardest part of everyone ho attends to learn a new lenguage.
You have to speak a lot and considering that you so close to italy, if you spend some time here in my country it will be very helpfull!

For every question,i'm here ;)
Great ! so i'll check good programs on those channels (and try to wtach them often, you know sometimes you get used to some voices so it becomes easier to understand). Yeah I live not far and i like this country. Next time I'll come to this thread I'll try to write in Italian, that can be a good start :)