It's already the 19th, what the fuck?!!

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland
I'm usually not the one to complain, but ti's getting real fucking old waiting for the singer announcement! I'd just like to know what's going on with one of my favorite bands ever! Do the CDC members know anything?

It's still we, the people, right...
Yeah I'm in total agreeance with you mate. Being a huge fan of this band has become a chore, and I never thought I'd say this, but it's wearing mightily thin.
Scott did mention in the CDC that due to certain issues beyond their control they are unable to make the announcement.

I say - heck we waited this long - whats another month.
what's with the dead line thing ? who cares, wait another month maybe it all didn't fall into place on the exact day they hoped. there was a time before the internet and mtv when you would have to wait to hear it on the radio or read it in a magizine. and i don't remember anyone bitching back then. you'd actually be glad to get news when you got it about your favorite band.
Scott did mention in the CDC that due to certain issues beyond their control they are unable to make the announcement.

I say - heck we waited this long - whats another month.

Certain issues on whether the band should continue with a new singer or not?
what's with the dead line thing ? who cares, wait another month maybe it all didn't fall into place on the exact day they hoped. there was a time before the internet and mtv when you would have to wait to hear it on the radio or read it in a magizine. and i don't remember anyone bitching back then. you'd actually be glad to get news when you got it about your favorite band.

the band keeps putting out the deadlines. making empty promises.
Yeah I'm in total agreeance with you mate. Being a huge fan of this band has become a chore, and I never thought I'd say this, but it's wearing mightily thin.

Hate to agree, but...

I kept checking back to see what the deal was going to be - an announcement about the postponement would have been a simple courtesy to the people who still care about 'Thrax.

Maybe they saw all the bitching here about Corey and figured it wasn't worth The Big Unveil...
Sure I can wait another month, that's not a problem. It's just that they said between the 11th and 18th, and nothing happened. I'm sure they would've told us if they could, but I don't like to be kept in the dark like I'm less of a fan than a CDC member.

I also think it's good thing that people like me still care about it this much.
Hate to agree, but...

I kept checking back to see what the deal was going to be - an announcement about the postponement would have been a simple courtesy to the people who still care about 'Thrax.

Maybe they saw all the bitching here about Corey and figured it wasn't worth The Big Unveil...

If I'm not mistaken, I believe most of the feedback on Corey was pretty positive. Surprisingly so, actually.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe most of the feedback on Corey was pretty positive. Surprisingly so, actually.

well corey has had a pretty good run lately,anything hes been involved with turns to gold lol,it would sure help the boys out even if his commitment is helping the boys out,he will make one heck of a difference!
Give it a fucking rest fer fucks sake. What makes people think the band HAVE to announce anything. They'll do it in their own time, and if leaks before then, so fucking what? The CDC are as much in the dark. Anthrax are my favourite band, and you know what? I don't give a fuck that I don't know who the singer is yet. I've supported them for 21 fucking years, whats another couple of weeks/months/ fuck even another year?. I've still got lots of good shit to listen to in the meantime. Now move the fuck along, nothing to see here.
Scott did mention in the CDC that due to certain issues beyond their control they are unable to make the announcement.

I say - heck we waited this long - whats another month.

I'm sure some kinks had to be worked out to have a big name singer join a big name band!!!:headbang:
Give it a fucking rest fer fucks sake. What makes people think the band HAVE to announce anything. They'll do it in their own time, and if leaks before then, so fucking what? The CDC are as much in the dark. Anthrax are my favourite band, and you know what? I don't give a fuck that I don't know who the singer is yet. I've supported them for 21 fucking years, whats another couple of weeks/months/ fuck even another year?. I've still got lots of good shit to listen to in the meantime. Now move the fuck along, nothing to see here.

I think most people around here would have less problem waiting for the announcement if they would stop telling us that an announcement was coming soon. Why tell us that they're going to tell us and then not tell us, even though they said they would tell us? What does that tell us as fans?

Well...tell us!:lol:
I think most people around here would have less problem waiting for the announcement if they would stop telling us that an announcement was coming soon. Why tell us that they're going to tell us and then not tell us, even though they said they would tell us? What does that tell us as fans?

Well...tell us!:lol:

It keeps the interest it's all a marketing tool.What does that tell you about the fans? Thats easy! You WILL keep coming back,You WILL buY the next album,You WILL see them on tour etc... it's all about the controversy & as everyone knows controversy SELLS. It's all about to explode soon so keep your shirt on & play your THRAX albums tell your friends about it & keep checking back,YOU KNOW YOU WILL! lol
You WILL keep coming back,You WILL buY the next album,You WILL see them on tour etc... it's all about the controversy & as everyone knows controversy SELLS.

Yeah, but I would buy the album anyway. Why keep fans waiting, the only people who care are ones who would buy the album anyway.