It's Christmas!

Lets see, so far I've gotten:

GH Metallica
2x 3 months of Xbox live
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
Mumakil - Behold the Failure
Battlefield: Bad Company
$50 giftcard for Ticketmaster
Disneyland pass valid until 05/2011
Really warm hoodie
Apples to Apples game
$400 (thankfully my uncle is generous and now I can pay off most of the money I borrowed for my car)
A couple books

Thats it for now, though I'm going to see more grandparents tomorrow.

and merry christmas everyon!
We did stockings after dinner thus adding little bottles of Jagermeister and Southern Comfort to the bottle of Cabernet I already had with dinnr. Yaaaay.
Man I love me some christmas.

Let's see....
Volcom sweatshirt
Nice sweater/sweatshirt from the Gap
16 oz. bag of whole bean Kona French Roast coffee. The greatest fucking coffee in the world. Anything that is 100% Kona = win. Grown and roasted in Hawaii. It's so expensive that the only time I can drink it is when my girlfriend's sends me some from Hawaii for my b-day or xmas. Totally worth the wait though. In fact, I'm drinking some right now that I just ground myself in my new coffee grinder (courtesy of my girlfriend's mother as well).
I already showed you guys my new 46" Samsung LCD tv.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for XBOX 360 and a pimp HDMI cable.
New massive umbrella.
Roadside safety kit that has jumper cables, a small air compressor, first aid kit, and a bunch of other stuff inside. Quite useful if I do say so myself.
A ton of money including a $1,500 bonus check from work. Hard work really does pay off.
Old Spice Swagger gift box thingy.
$50 gift card to JC Penny.
The Office 365 day box calendar for my desk at work.
That is all.
It's pretty pimp. The top rank is 70. There's a bunch of new perks. Tons of new weapons. The maps are better and utilize the terrain better. I'm only rank 11 or some shit right now and don't know the maps all that well yet but I'll let you know what I think when I actually earn some shit. lol
Received sum very cool stuff, highlited by concert tix to see TYR and also some Bruins stuff. An all black alternate 3rd game jersey and most importantly a rather large (12x20ish) framed upclose action pic of Marc Savard during a game against the Canadiens last season. A great pic, one wich my brother luckily thru his connection of a local hockey proshop guy, had it signed by Savard! I was very stoked and it nearly brought tears to my eyes.
Let's see...
3 pairs of jeans (awesome, all mine were falling apart)
An american eagle outfitters hoodie I'll be returning...
some xbox games...
street fighter 4(this game is beyond terrible. disappointment, you bitch)
Dynasty Warriors 5 tactics
Dynasty Warriors - Mobile Suit Gundam (oh fuck yes)
Gears of War 2
Soul Caliber 4
some wii games
We Fish
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
A blanket my gf made me...

A grow your own triops kit... (which are these odd shrimp... kinda like sea monkeys but a ton bigger... they can supposidly get up to 2 inches long)

some other stuff I'm not remembering
A grow your own triops kit... (which are these odd shrimp... kinda like sea monkeys but a ton bigger... they can supposidly get up to 2 inches long)

"If food is not in abundance--and sometimes even if it is--they will not hesitate to eat each other."
