It's Christmas!

how is that a good point? she still spent 50 fucking dollars.

Well it doesn't make the giving of the money thoughtless, but I do feel bad spending cash as opposed to a gift card regardless of its source so sympathy my friend. Though you could argue that spending fifty dollars of a gift card is the same as spending 50 bucks in cash that was gifted, it's all mental at that point. That aside, who said it was direct from his momz....
The only music that I got was The Rules of Hell box set by Black Sabbath and Melissa/The Beginning by Mercyful Fate packaged together in a bargain thing. I already own Melissa but I wanted the others. :)

I also got a 1:8 scale figurine of Van from Gun Sword.

I got a total of $75 from different people in my family.

I also got clothes and some stuff that I need for school.

I care more about giving to the less fortunate than caring what spoiled fucks got for this season. so I will not post what I got. I will say I did give a man in a wheel chair a dollar from the last 4 dollars I had for gas, went caroling at a retirement home earlier this month, and gave what I can to charities outside the wal-mart(s) and at major intersections. This type of behavior should not be limited to this usually greedy time of the year.


One of the things we often exchange with my parents is chickens, goats, fruit trees and the like. But they go to people in poor countries to help them survive. A lot of the gifts are meant to sustain a family or whatever iN some longer term way. Like chickens reproduce and lay eggs, fruit trees (obvious).
I care more about giving to the less fortunate than caring what spoiled fucks got for this season. so I will not post what I got. I will say I did give a man in a wheel chair a dollar from the last 4 dollars I had for gas, went caroling at a retirement home earlier this month, and gave what I can to charities outside the wal-mart(s) and at major intersections. This type of behavior should not be limited to this usually greedy time of the year.

I'm tempted to just say fuck you Dudley Do Right.

I gave a guy at an intersection an arby's melt once.... at about 35mph.
@WAIF: No one ever has "plenty of money," that's ridiculous.
It's not like I have too much money or something, but...the things I buy are CDs, food, movie tickets, etc, all of which are fairly inexpensive and at this point I don't buy too much of any of them (since I'm buried under a landslide of new CDs already). So basically the money that I'm making now is sufficient to gratify all of my reasonable desires. There are expensive things I want, such as custom guitars and stuff, but I wouldn't even think about buying them so that's a moot point. I don't really care about money except for how it can be turned into things I actually want, and right now I have enough to turn it into all the things I want, so I would say that at the moment I have enough money.

If you feel guilty about spending the cash than the cash isn't the problem, its just the way you perceive it.
I feel guilty because I know I should save it for college. Actually, I'm probably gonna turn this into a snazzy new wireless mouse so I can use my laptop in bizarre but comfortable ways.
I kinda see what he's saying. I got a $400 wire deposit, which is about the most thoughtless thing you can do. I'd honestly rater have someone go through my Amazon list and pick out a couple of Blu-rays or CDs than try to make up for being a lazy fuck by giving me that much money. I like opening stuff, not calling the bank to check the balance.
Its absolutely about family, friends and fun! Christ the proof is, I start about 2-weeks before Christmas and its parties and get-togethers non-stop right up til Christmas. Sure, I have kids, nieces & nephs so the gifts are mainly towards them of it should be.

I guess this is @ Dazed and Brutal...or anyone else for that matter. I cannot wear a single stitch of new clothing...wether its a sock to a suit without washing and drying it first. Does anyone else do this? Yet I have no prob at times wearing the same underwear or pants for 2-days. That is of course if I'm not working-out or sweating my ass off!?!

Not that I don't want it, but rather I have no particular desire for it other than to redeem it for good and services, and I have adequate funds to redeem for all the goods and services I need at the moment, so while more money isn't bad, I would have preferred, say, a couple CDs or whatever. Again, I have no objection, I just feel that it was a fairly thoughtless gift and when combined with the MAD issue, it's the sort of thing you'd give a 13 year old.

youre such a jew
Oh yeh belated happy xmas and so forth to all youse cunts.

My prezzies included

* Framed Slayer/Mastodon gig poster for their show at Vodaphone Arena from a few years back, one of my fave ever gigs, so yay.
* Split system air conditioner for the bedroom from my g/f's parents
* Giant cast iron Chiminea for the back yard
* Several gift vouchers
* Much alcohol
* Some chocolate
* Some terrible cheap shit clothing from the old man