It's My 18th Birthday!


Epic Kirsty
Jan 2, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland

I got a text from Bob Katsionis wishing me happy birthday from him and all the band. Made my bloody day so I'd just like to say thanks so much to him!

I was out with Cavegirl (Han), Emy (who I think has posted here like once) and Al of D who's posted here like twice in London.

We went and seen Kamelot. It was EPIC. Seriously. Threshold and Serenity were awesome aswell!

So thanks you guys :)

Now I can get drunk LEGALLY! lol!

xx Kirsty
Happy birthday, even I though I don't what know you and I are an person who is randomly got here and saw in this thread..?

That pretty much sums up to happy birthday, get drunk, NIAOW. :zombie:
Oh I got drunk don't worry!!!!!!! lol!

I had a big badge on and got lots of free drinks :D

I even met a guy who had a birthday balloon on and it was his birthday too and he bought me and my friend a drink! EPIC!!

Got home about 4.30am and missed ny bus to Manchester this morning but I had a hangover all day and watched like 4 hours of CSI so s'all good :p

xx Kirsty
lol, thanks! Well I'm sure if you lived in Glasgow you would have definitely been invited!!!!!!

Was bloody epic. Was like a nightclub with a Carnival theme. Face painting, fortune tellers, stalls, CANDY FUCKING FLOSS etc :p

xx Kirsty
YAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Thanks for all the birthday messages everyone, I luv you all!! xoxoxo!