It's Official!!!!


Aug 23, 2003
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It's Official!!!

Belladonna out and Turbin in.

Ian says "...this is the best lineup ever and what the band truly wanted. Neil is where it all began for us and having him back has made me the happiest motherfucker on the face of earth." Benante adds, "We were all out bowling one night and listening to Joey's band playing down on lane 25 when we noticed that the guy getting Frankie's ball out of the gutter was Neil, it was like no time had passed at all. We bowled a few and decided this is it!!!" When asked about the past material and singers Ian stated "None of that shit matters. We were just trying to please the record companies, we knew that someday the stars would align and bring Neil back to us so we could take over the world!!! We wish Joey, John, Dan, Bill, Fred, George, Barney, Homer and all our past singers for their time. They will ALWAYS BE A PART OF THE ANTHRAX FAMILY!!!! NOT!!!"
It's Official!!!

Belladonna out and Turbin in.

Ian says "...this is the best lineup ever and what the band truly wanted. Neil is where it all began for us and having him back has made me the happiest motherfucker on the face of earth." Benante adds, "We were all out bowling one night and listening to Joey's band playing down on lane 25 when we noticed that the guy getting Frankie's ball out of the gutter was Neil, it was like no time had passed at all. We bowled a few and decided this is it!!!" When asked about the past material and singers Ian stated "None of that shit matters. We were just trying to please the record companies, we knew that someday the stars would align and bring Neil back to us so we could take over the world!!! We wish Joey, John, Dan, Bill, Fred, George, Barney, Homer and all our past singers for their time. They will ALWAYS BE A PART OF THE ANTHRAX FAMILY!!!! NOT!!!"

Dude that was hilarious! Made me laugh for the 1st time on this black day for metal.

Oh well. In this whole debacle the person who looks the grottiest, is by far, Joey. How would you like to be dissed non-stop (for the most part) and KNOW that you are Scott & Charlies' SECOND choice, and still grovel back for more. And, people, those are the FACTS. Scott & Charlie would have taken John if he would have been willing to commit, and Joey would be relegated (again) to the "remember when" file.

Don't question it.