It's Over


Feb 11, 2002
:( :( :(

Where did the weekend go. What a weekend it was. That was one of the best festivals I've ever been to. Every band had thier moments but I was really impressed with Edguy and Angra.

All around great job by everyone, I personally am already counting the days till ProgPower IV.

Thanks GLenn!!!! You Rule!!!!

Amen! Thank you Glenn and everyone else who made this weekend possible for us (and PoS for helping ME personally with it!) The shows rocked, especially Edguy, PoS, and Blind Guardian. Thinking about it, Gamma Ray and Angra ruled too! Oh well, the thing kicked ass!

Looking forward to PP4 already!
Dreams do Come True...

Seeing Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray for the first time on U.S. shores was a dream come true for me, as I'm sure it was many people this weekend. Every band had their shining moments and I'm proud to have witnessed every one of them.
Here's to next year! :::*raises tired arms in the air*:::

Great job Glenn, and all involved! Thank you.

Devin Townsend and his progressive nipples ruled. Progpower III absolutely ruled. Too many thoughts in my head right now to properly set them down here at the moment, but Edguy, Gamma Ray, Devin and Zero Hour get my votes for absolutely fucking blowing me away.

Oh, and the Zero Hour guys are quite possibly the coolest people on the planet. Thanks for everything you guys.

Glenn, you are my god. Thanks for an amazing show.
