It's that time again!!


Nov 3, 2004
Hey there everyone!!
It's time again to start this crazy thread about....yep you guessed it, DA BEARS!!!

It's only pre-season, but the Bears beat the Texans 20 to 19 yay!!:headbang:
Now, I know these games don't count, but I like to look at them as a sneak peek into what's to come.

GO BEARS!!!:kickass:
Hey Annie,

I'm not one for pre-season and I'm still trying to get over
my massive disappointment in the White Sox.....however,
rehearsal is canceled tonight so I will catch some of the
Indy game. I'm really excited to get the season kicked off,
I know is going to be VERY tough but I think the Bears will
step up!

OK....ok....still pre-season, but...
Bears beat the Superbowl champs....mwuhahahaha!!
(now why couldn't we play that way LAST years against them eh? Oh right....Grossman played the whole game.....I ferget ;) )
Bears beat Indy 27 to 24:headbang:
~Annie're everywhere eh? Better you than Diabolik ;)
Yeah, I get around.
I am on the PC here at work all day, so what else am I going to do right?

I would add more to the BEARS conversation, but baseball is more my game, sorry......

Well, let me ask this...
Do you guys think Lovie will start Rex EVERY game?
Cubs suck!!!! Their fans are a bunch of ball handlers...that is why thier ballpark is in boystown!

Actually Sox fans suck too, they are annoying on the El going home from work.

See Prncslimme....yuo mention my name and I come. Like Beetlejuice.
Yeah, I get around.
I am on the PC here at work all day, so what else am I going to do right?

I would add more to the BEARS conversation, but baseball is more my game, sorry......

Well, let me ask this...
Do you guys think Lovie will start Rex EVERY game?

Yes....looks like "wrecks" is our man :cry:
(let's hope he gets a hangnail or something and is out for the season....Griese was looking good last night, hell, even Orton looked better than good ole Rex)
Yes....looks like "wrecks" is our man :cry:
(let's hope he gets a hangnail or something and is out for the season....Griese was looking good last night, hell, even Orton looked better than good ole Rex)

Most important question.....
Has Orton shaved his awful beard???

He makes Zakk Wylde look like a well groomed man!
Hey all!!

For some reason I missed the game on Saturday (was at work and was so busy didn't have time to even LOOK at the TV's) if someone can, please update me on the score and any "highlights" of the game...(did Grossman fumble or have any interceptions THIS game? Were there any GOOD things that happened with our rookies and all? etc. etc...)
And what the heck is going on with our players? Now Lance Briggs' Lamborghini was found at the scene of a hit and run? Sheesh
GO BEARS!!!:headbang: :kickass:
Hey All!

Since no one was gracious enough to tell me the score from last week..I'll never teeellllll:loco:
Anyway....I actually got to watch the game tonight (like watching High School football, only on the big screen lol:lol:)
Tonight was the night the amateurs played (or more affectionately called "rookies").
Needless to say, we lost to the Cleveland Browns (can you believe it?!!) 19 to 9.
I didn't get a chance to see the whole game since I had to do inventory, but I saw most of it.....there was a one in a million catch....a rookie....can't remember his name, will probably be cut, but was challenged by the Browns nonetheless ;) Loved it cause we won the challenge hehehehe.....then went for 2 point convo, and guess what? Didn't convert LOL
So....all in all, a good game. We lost, but what is it people say about pre-season? It doesn't count.....
GO BEARS!!!:kickass::headbang::worship: