ITT we post funny pictures...

Eh... Engl is a strange company. I live 10 minutes from their factory and they don't let anyone in for a tour. I asked and I got a pretty unfriendly response. And I talked with two employees once which were not happy with the working conditions at all... and endorsements? Forget it.

holy shite...


I would just move if my "garage" was this small.

Eh... Engl is a strange company. I live 10 minutes from their factory and they don't let anyone in for a tour. I asked and I got a pretty unfriendly response. And I talked with two employees once which were not happy with the working conditions at all... and endorsements? Forget it.

Odd, there's a small tech-death-core-????? band that lives near me that are endorsed by engl, although it's a shitty endorsement from what I gather :lol:
sorry to be an ass, but maybe the engl endorsement conversation can be taken to a dedicated thread on endorsements? :D Y'all best post some funny ass pictures to make up for your off-topic'ness. :p
OMG she has branded cymbals. I hope somebody is just printing that shit on factory fuckups locally, cuz if not.... wow.... just WOW.
I like how it only started straight at the beginning of 2006, like all the big porn execs got together in a board room and had it all planned out;

"Hello guys, happy new year, straight down to business, whats our depraved agenda for the next 12 calendar months?"

"Well, some of the guys have suggested a BDSM revival, a few others have suggested Donkey Punching but we're holding out on that one till mid 2008 and one of the interns is plugging for Anal Fisting."

"BDSM? Too Germany circa 1990's and not old enough for a revival, but Anal Fisting you say? Hmm... interesting"
Öwen;9304628 said:
I like how it only started straight at the beginning of 2006, like all the big porn execs got together in a board room and had it all planned out

Well the porn industry is very driven by social media. If you look at the trends of Ass to Mouth there was a big spike after the last Jay and Silent Bob movie.

Well Broke Back Mountain came out in December of 2005 so its only appropriate that Anal Fisting saw a big revival at the beginning of 2006 ;)

Notice the big spike in the beginning of the 2nd quater of 2006, thats when it was released on DVD ;)