ITT we post funny pictures...

Sir Ian McKellen welcoming the Pope in the recent visit to England.

I've seen that picture without any text added to it, which I think further supports it not being fake. I agree, why would someone just photoshop random things like that?

Its neck muscles might not be gone, the featherbed on its neck could just be so thick it doesn't look too realistic without any feathers on it. It probably died shortly after, but I believe that image could be real, unless there's some actual proof that goes against it.
I don't know if you guys have ever been to 4chan but people photoshop everything you can imagine 24/7 there. I'm not saying the images aren't real, I honestly don't think so but they do randomly come up with shit like this.
I don't know if you guys have ever been to 4chan but people photoshop everything you can imagine 24/7 there. I'm not saying the images aren't real, I honestly don't think so but they do randomly come up with shit like this.

It's page 96 of this thread and people are questioning whether people would spend time photo shopping absolute shit?
having a bird I can say that they do have very small necks like that. The blood around the neck would be more from having its feathers ripped out, which my bird has done.
I may be wrong on this one but if go to 3:25 watch a little and then go to 5:04 you can see something is wrong with his copy of FL.

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